Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Remember Barack, the little stage of America plays in the theatre of the World

Dear EdgeOfSport: Dave Zirin:

Well you have a very sharp edged position on your country; like I have on the world.

Dave the modern problem is simply lack of truth! Not just the act of lying deliberately, there is no fundamental common vision of who Humans are, and whether the Universe has a purpose for us, or even consensus that it is all just an accident. Remember the Nazi slogan: "the bigger the lie, the more it is believed." Since Humans practically "eat and drive for free" we are left with time on our hands in which to imagine things and put ideas into words, and words into actions according to our beliefs. This however, is where we run into trouble: there are many beliefs, but no one truth; science cannot establish the order of which came into existence first, Mind or Matter, so upon what basis does the United States of America even exist?

The distinction between freedom and force is effectively equivalent to the perceived difference in mind and matter, because matter seems to rule by physical forces and laws, while our discretion to choose belongs to moral and ethical principles and reason. But morals are weaker than feelings as nuclear power to a water wheel. Only our cold contemplative reason has the capacity to change us, doing so in terms of progressive revelation to us, of whom we are, and with whom we are most closely related.

In this inquiry Jesus is of the utmost scientific interest because his story breaks the laws of matter, as well of society, while representing that the principles and laws of Heaven are higher than ours. It should always be noted as an asterisk before any social business proceeds, that Humans don't yet know everything and do not presently agree on anything, which places your essay and your country in a better perspective from which to comment. Understanding that Jesus would be a fan of sport, including football in America, the reason would stem from being a physical man, not from being Christian, or for all of the other relatively imaginary reasons cited by you; imaginary because they only take on authenticity in terms of the world you imagine to be important, and without testing your parochial belief system for universal validity in terms of the known spiritual reality we still share with Jesus Christ.

Compared to knowing the truth of life, and our personal individual places in this Universe, What is important about the Super Bowl? Nothing outside the Market and the nation as engine of the economy of that market.

So all the athleticism evolved for supremacy on the Hunting Grounds, is now applied to supremacy in holding power, money, land, THINGS, SEX, which translates into military rule. The Market is a Placebo of War, allowing real war to prevail. Ideas take fashion against the imagination and beauty can confuse intuition. This is the perfect human storm. And you have taken your position in the eye of that storm, here at the Olympics. But beauty is really the best integer of truth, so this Olympic event on my land, in my Village presents opportunities to develop and advance my prayers for the world.

How may I proceed?

Now suppose it occurs to us that our reasoning has always been backward by seeking our origin in matter, and so we set out again, this time to review our own history on the basis that Jesus has it right, so that when we happily immediately find the pearl of wisdom, that Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, we find ourselves on a different, more comfortable footing on which to contemplate how and why we think the way we do, our search changing from being about the identity of the body, to informing the mind about our role in Heaven and on Earth. That is a different view to hold, than learning about America and football, that is about the truth of life.

If it is possible then, to prove my primary postulation is true, then all of Christ's claims are true as well.

I leave proof continuing in tomorrow's letter.

From: Dave Zirin [mailto:edgeofsports@gmail.com]
Sent: February-02-10 5:49 AM
To: jsterrit
Subject: [Edge of Sports] Tim Tebow & CBS: United Against "Choice"

Tim Tebow and CBS: United Against “Choice”

by Dave Zirin


In our 5,000-channel, tweeting, shouting culture of constant distraction, there are precious few annual events that unite the national gaze. In fact, there is really only one: the Super Bowl. Over the last two decades, ratings for everything from the World Series to the Olympics have stumbled - but the NFL championship gets stronger with age, with Super Bowl Sunday becoming a de facto national holiday. The cultural power of the big game cannot be overstated, and that's exactly why CBS' decision to air an anti-abortion ad funded by Focus on the Family was so terribly wrongheaded.

The ad features Heisman award-winning Florida quarterback and staunch evangelical Christian Tim Tebow alongside his mother, Pam, speaking out against abortion. Pam tells the world how she ignored a doctor's advice while on a missionary trip in the Philippines and decided to have her fifth child, Tim. She was suffering from a serious tropical illness, the story goes, and doctors thought that having the child would kill her, but she "chose life" for her child and the result is an All-American quarterback.

There is something sketchy about this story - given that abortion is illegal in the Philippines, carrying a six-year prison sentence. It seems highly unlikely the procedure would be recommended to an evangelical missionary. But this isn't about truth in advertising. It's about Tim Tebow continuing his self-proclaimed goal to use football as a "missionary." After a college career wearing eyeblack with Bible verses stenciled in, it's the next step in raising his platform as the most outspoken evangelical this side of Sarah Palin.

To be clear, we should absolutely support Tebow's right to state his political beliefs loudly and proudly and we should soundly reject the concept that jocks should just "shut up and play."

But there are other things we should soundly reject as well. We should reject the utter hypocrisy on display by CBS in airing this ad. The network has long stated that it has Super Bowl rules against "advocacy ads." In 2004, the network rejected a Super Bowl ad from the United Church of Christ in which a church is shown opening its doors to a gay couple. The network has also refused ads from PETA, MoveOn.org and many others. This year, it even rejected a humorous commercial from a gay dating site called mancrunch.com. And yet, the network takes money from Focus on the Family - which, according to People for the American Way, is "anti-choice, anti-gay and against sex education curricula that are not strictly abstinence-only."

Focus on the Family's guru is the infamous and recently retired James Dobson. Dobson is a frightening fellow, choosing the second night of Passover last year to say, "The biggest Holocaust in world history came out of the Supreme Court" with Roe vs. Wade. Dobson's other pet project, the Family Research Council, has connections to white supremacist organizations like the Council of Conservative Citizens. In 1996, Family Research Council President Tony Perkins paid former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke $82,000 for his mailing list.

The idea that this organization is acceptable to CBS - while MoveOn or PETA or the United Church of Christ are too radical - actually adds up to a right-wing assault on free speech. We could also point out the irony that this year, like all others, ads for the U.S. armed forces will be omnipresent, but that's not considered advocacy, either. I doubt there would be equal time for Iraq Veterans Against the War, even if it could pony up the millions.

The other thing we need to reject is the sports media's love affair with Tim Tebow's "courage" in being a part of this ad. People like CBS' Jim Nantz and Sports Illustrated's Peter King are like tweens at a Justin Bieber concert when it comes to Tebow, with King recently writing, "What I heard from Tebow was the voice of a kid with convictions, who doesn't shrink from what he believes - even if it might hurt his draft prospects."

Wrong: The fact that Tebow has massive accuracy problems and can't take a snap from center without fumbling is what is going to hurt his draft prospects.

Moreover, it rankles that Tebow is being extolled for his courage while athletes who have spoken out against militarism (Carlos Delgado and most famously Muhammad Ali) or racism (Josh Howard) are called crazy and tiresome.

Let's hope that the next time an athlete speaks out - even if it's in the service of a left-wing cause - the media remember their praise of Tebow and cut him or her some slack. And let's hope that the next time CBS gets an ad query from a group with an agenda diametrically opposed to Focus on the Family's, it gives it equal time.

Hosting the Super Bowl ought to be considered a privilege. And CBS has already failed the test.

[Dave Zirin is the author of the forthcoming “Bad Sports: How Owners are Ruining the Games we Love” (Scribner) Receive his column every week by emailing dave@edgeofsports.com. Contact him at edgeofsports@gmail.com.]

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