Chief Kitsilano
Site A Comp 23, RR#1 Kispiox Valley Road
Hazelton BC V0J 1Y0 778 202 0218
Robert “Sonny” Jackson Jr.
Kitanmaax Reserve
To Sonny:
It has been brought to my attention by your brother Peter, that you are accusing me of harming your mother by quote “locking her in her room for two days” unquote.
This is not a true fact and amounts to slander.
I need you to recant this statement and make amends to the harm this statement intends to do to me, and has done to me. This letter is my demand that you do these things immediately. Sonny, there has been a long standing vendetta in this community against me by people who employ your wife, Monica, and by several individuals in high office, including the present Chief Councillor, the Mayor of Hazelton, and the staff of the Upper Skeena Legal Aid Society. The vendetta is based on positions I declared in 1974, in the Prince Rupert Daily News, that “BC is Indian Land.” When I returned to this area in 1981, I was met with the vendetta by my brother Neil John Sterritt, and by the Kitanmaax Indian Band, and the Council of the Village of Hazelton. Many of the bully types in the area centered me out and I have endured their mischief until now. I was shot at in the Tsimgetgigeniix Cabin you claim.
The Police take up this abuse against me by cooperating to have me charged and made subject to criminal charges and to Peace Bonds. I have not had any room to do such a thing as you are accusing me, to anyone, although the girl you have affairs with, Darlene Fargey, whom you know and who visited you while you were living in the Inlander Hotel, had me convicted of something similar to what you are saying now, and it is reasonable that you and her would mix the stories together to inspire hatred of me. Her are two copies of this letter and I will provide Monica with a third copy if you do not do the right thing and take this lie back by contacting your brother Peter, and giving him a copy of this with your admission written on it, that you made this story up.
The second thing you must admit on the same letter, by placing your initials next to this paragraph, is that Gail, your mother told a lie to the Police, while sharing the apartment above USCLAS, with me and Bob Vincent and Bruce Gunanoot, saying I sexually assaulted her in that apartment. She did this because the staff, Linda Locke and the others, and Bob and Bruce, told her they would evict her if they could not get me out of that apartment. I was arrested by the police on Gail's charge, and then released on conditions to stay away from that building, and then your mother withdrew her story.
These facts are all on the court record. If it was a true fact that I did what you are now saying, why was I never even accused of it, let alone not charged? Why would I not have been convicted if it was true?
These lies are signs of something evil in your mind, and Sonny, you are probably afraid to face me and explain how, and why your brother, Rodney, one of my best friends in the world, was murdered in Kisgegas! You were present according to the report. Did you know the Police were going to be there?
As you know I am in intimate communication with Heaven and Jesus Christ knows your heart as well as you do, so it is a bad sign when you are so eager to say this about me.
I have visited the Police Commanding Officer and explained my position in Hazelton to him, advising him that this time around, I will be seeking the Peace Bonds against those who interfere with me and make any kind of threat against me or my rights or my property. I am also forwarding a copy of this letter to Sgt. Lee and formally asking him to inform you that the only contact with me you can have from now on is the return of this letter to me through Peter Jackson, your brother.
I add that I am proud to know Peter, whose faith in the Lord is genuine and openly expressed. I understand that you berate him. This is another sign of something evil in your heart, a sign of the kind that Esau showed toward Jacob, and Daniel's brothers showed against Daniel. I mourned Rodney's death. While doing that Heaven hinted to me that something was not right about your presence there at the time; if I have this intuition, Peter will also have the same feeling and that is why you are being mean to him. I experienced this sibling hatred first hand and there are many stories in the Bible about this, which you have read.
The only advice I cajn volunteer to you as someone who took your Mother in when she was being evicted, and who is now taking your homeless Brother in out of the cold, is that you must immediately repent and recant , and pray to Heaven that this evil is removed from you. Do not persist in your part in this evil vendetta against me because I have the perfect protection of the Lord Jesus Christ, which is the right, if I so choose it, to use his Holy Name as my own, and if I fall on you any heavier than I do in this letter, you will be, as the Gospels guarantee “ground to powder.”
I close with the added power of my title as Chief Kitsilano, son of Wilpse Haaxw, the owner of the land you presently reside on and owner of the land at Kisgegas where you are reportedly claiming to own a cabin. If I so choose I can deny your claim and can act to have you barred from being there, on the basis of your slandering me and threatening further harm to me. By your slander you make me afraid you intend to do further harm to me. Morgan Trembley used the same kind of tactic and came to Kisgegas for the same reason and he shot at me, and he clubbed me from behind with an iron bar; then later he said;”Iwill break your nose, again!
As I say above, I do not intend to suffer any further abuse from anyone without imposing the powers of these titles and names and rights in my defence and my behalf. I am entited to legal protection and I seek that right in this letter.
So, to close, let me repeat the fact of your sexual relationship with Darlene Fargey. Everyone knows she keeps a stable of fools and has them visit her, which George did as well while she was with me.
I will never compromise myself with evil again, and if you do a single thing again to bother me, I will see that you lose your sugar mommy.
Sincerely, in my name as JESUS CHRIST,
whom you once knew as a friend named Jamey Sterritt.
778 202 0218
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