Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Nomination Memorial

Nomination for the Election of Chief Councillor May 4th, 2010

Chief Kitsilano, who is James Russell Sterritt;
Site A, Comp 23; RR#1, Kispiox Valley Road
Hazelton BC V0J 1Y0 778 202 0218

To all the Members of the Kitanmaax Indian Band

Why I have been nominated, What I will do when I am elected, and what improvement I will make in your community and in your lives in the coming years

Why I have been nominated to stand for election as your next Chief Councillor

I was born here in Kitanmaax during the Second World War, in 1943, and attended schools here until I spent one year at the University of BC. but couldn’t continue my higher education since my family wasn’t registered under the Indian Act until 1987, for the oddest reason, that Charlie Sterritt, who was Tsalmoikit Haaxw at that time, was “living like a white man,” which while not a legal reason, meant he was ambitious, and very prosperous, and along with the famous Simon Gunanoot, it meant Charlie Sterritt was radically outspoken on our Indian rights to the land. In 1961 our basketball team began the first ever dynasty in the All-Native Tournament by any team, and Charlie was the man who provided us with rides to Prince Rupert, and as the President of the YPAA, he gave each player a daily allowance for our meals and for spending as we wished. I lived with Charlie and Kate, and saw how they ran their Pole Camps with stores selling things to their employees. They would travel to the Coast and made money fishing and mending nets. They had lands all around the Valley, off-reserve, and were probably the most wealthy family in Hazelton, including the white people in that comparison. One day after the war ended, when I would have been about 5 or 6 years of age, I was handed two pieces of paper; I looked at them but did not understand what I was supposed to notice until they said it was money returned to them from War Bonds they had purchased to support the war effort against Hitler, and then I noticed each piece had $5000.00 on it. Two of their sons fought in that war and I was born during their absence. I never forgot about that money and when I went out into the world I set my mind on learning what it took to make as much money as possible. By the time I was 24, in 1967, I owned a 1966 Pontiac GTO, and had a family, and by 1980 I had earned a million dollars, owned a hotel, and was poised to divert my attention to the land claim, when I was suddenly covertly attacked by white society, causing me to lose my family and my interest in making my success in a European way. I then decided I did not know enough about Religion and Politics so I began to study the Bible and returned to Hazelton, expecting to involve myself in what has since become the Office of Hereditary Chiefs. Instead I found myself under even greater attack by the white establishment, but now they were using my half-siblings, who had been placed in powerful positions designed to thwart anything I might attempt to do to restore our native culture and our institution of Potlatch. During this time I often became irate and fell into the traps of the white doctors and police, and was taken to Riverview and eventually sentenced to prisons. If it had not been for my deep roots in Kitanmaax and my feelings for the truth about the Totem Pole, along with the special personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ that He formed with me during this period, I could have become a high level criminal, dealing drugs and breaking other laws, and would certainly have been able to make lots of money. I did not follow that path but kept on believing the day would come when Heaven would show me just what it would take to turn the colonial storm back from us so we would emerge free, with our rightful land rights restored, and the Kitksan would make our mark on the Planet and we would Potlatch all the world’s people. This idea kept me sane while among the worst maniacs in Canada and the most dangerous criminals (I was also among some bad people while in the asylums and jails). I eventually learned how to cope with the heavy and unending adversity and not lose my temper easily and finally, over the last seven years in the Downtown Eastside of Vancouver’s mean streets, Heaven did open the secrets of the ages to me and I am now prepared to use and to teach those secrets, here in my home Village, on your behalf and on behalf of the world.

Much had changed in Kitanmaax after I left in 1962. Someone changed the spelling of Kitanmaax from how I saw it written and heard it said, and now they all say it with a soft ‘G’ in place of the glottal ‘K’ that is kissed in the back of the tongue and the roof of the mouth. This shift in pronunciation reveals more than just being easier for white people to say, but shows why Potlatch was outlawed in 1884, and why as kids the Indians had to go to residential school. Words are dangerous when they tell the truth, and early white people like Father Duncan at Metlakaatla, who learned Tsalmalkit, noticed that our language had ties to the oldest language in the world, the very Hebrew spoken by Jesus Christ; the Churches saw that the word you say as Tsimsian, is really based on Tsalm, which word is right there at the beginning of the Holy Bible at Genesis 1, verse 27, where Heaven says “man is made in the shadow of the image of Heaven.”

The Kitksan who came from Temlaham are one of the descendants of Adam, of Noah and of Abraham, the founder of the three world religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The returning Christ was therefore, always foretold by the early Kitksan, to come from this Village. This is why you were coaxed into saying Gitxsan, and have forgotten the right way to say Kitksan; Kitksan is the same word, in your language, as Christian is in Greek! And the word Kits is the same word as Christ. This Kits sound is important to how we can recover our land titles today and move to the front of world affairs as the most powerful people in history. Kits does not just mean any people, but the chosen ones.

The fact is the stories you read about in the Bible, that are all carefully controlled by the Church, are the same stories told in the real Adaawk, which was outlawed by colonial governments. This is the evil that lies behind the whole genocide and the Residential School abuses. Those terrible things that were done to many of you, and worse things that are still being tried on me, are all part of a worse atrocity than any committed by Hitler, done in order to make us ashamed and weak. All of this was done in order to take our power and leave it in the hands of a few white families known to you. The plan almost worked too. In its final stages the white people only had to buy and pay a few of us, my relations, your relations, and they all fell into the trap of taking jobs that provide services on behalf of the government; some of us are now even being paid to be guardians of our own land, paid by Europeans, with colonial money, while nothing changes in the order of power. A few of you drive new cars while the majority are so bad off many want to die and some have by their own hands.

So if it is so bad, what hope do we have, against an armed colonial regime?

The second thing I will explain is that the biggest mistake of the Europeans and of their sophisticated culture, is disbelieving Jesus Christ, while pretending they believe in Him. To them religion is just another political tool, a device they use to claim superiority, while they march armies around the world, invading where they choose, and converting some natives to their belief in the use of fraud and deceit; your present Chief Councillor and many of your so-called hereditary chiefs are examples. The Mayor of Hazelton even said to me in 1985, “you don’t really believe that stuff do you Jamey” and this from the daughter of parents who to us were the most religious of all Hazelton families! Alice Maitland used her parent’s devotion as a tool to make people believe she is a good person. The present priest of the Anglican Church has even less belief in Jesus Christ and only holds that position to keep power over you. She prays, but not to Heaven

These are very harsh accusations that have to be made openly because the most important thing I have learned about life is that we cannot compromise with evil. Evil has to pretend to be good, but good does not have to accept any evil thing or idea or person. We must drive out the evil doers and restore the institution of Potlatch or we are all doomed. We are in the story of Jesus Christ and can no way abandon His teaching.

How then can we regain our power, you ask?

In 1977 Neil John Sterritt made a claim on behalf of some Kitksan and with government support, that claim went to the Supreme Court of Canada, where it became famous as Delgamuukw, Haaxw and other Hereditary Chiefs! The old saying ‘too many chiefs and no Indians’ was lived out here for over 30 years, and now you are being led by some of those so-called chiefs into a Treaty. I ask you to tell me ‘what a chief is?’ Does a trap line make a chief? Not by itself. A chief must Potlatch and I only saw a few real potlatches, where ownership of the whole country was claimed, not just a fishing hole and a creek or two. Those of you who went away to Residential school may believe you know what it means to be a chief, but where is the “beef”? where is the grease, the Zuk, the Hoox and where are the woollen blankets? Where is the wealth? Sure money is flashed at funeral Feasts, but it disappears back into the very pockets from which it came in the first place; these are not Potlatches where power over land and resources is placed out for individuals to invest in and own and operate.
The critical test of Potlatch is the celebration of the profits earned by efforts and then the bestowing of high esteem on those who made real wealth emerge upon the face of the Earth. You have to acknowledge Heaven in a Potlatch or it is nothing.

If things continue as they are in Kitanmaax, you will all become like the Nisga’a, the runaway Kitksan slaves who now have a permanent treaty dividing that valley up into an angry, hostile, and depressed place full of taxpayers to the government. Where did the chiefs of the Nass River go?

Speaking of Nisga’a, if you don’t get rid of the present Chief Councillor you will never stop fighting among yourselves and the government will swallow up this country and send it down the drain along with their middle class, in a final shift of power and wealth to the dominant minority, that will see a few rich in high penthouses and a starving middle class along with Indian peasants like in South America. Have no doubt, the white Euro still follow their plan just the way they started out on first contact and will not stop until we stop them.

And that brings this story back to Jesus Christ and to the Heavenly plan.

“In those days the times will become so terrible that if time were not cut short, all flesh would be wiped off from the face of the Earth, but for the sake of the elect and the chosen, the time is cut short!” Matthew 24.

The real question to be answered in this election of your chief, is what is Heaven’s plan? Who are the chosen and the elect? You know them already but have not understood the story of life.

There are three world tribes in the true story, the descendants of Noah’s three sons, and you first heard about them when the three wise men, or the Kgelat’l, visited the birth of Mary’s Son in Bethlehem. One Tribe is Black, another is White, and part of that tribe lives on the other side of Hagwilget Canyon, as the Dene, who are direct descendants of the same family as the Prince of Wales, come from Stonehenge by the Eastern Gate along with the Haida and the Kitksan, who are the third world Tribe, come from Eden by way of Jerusalem (Temlaham) and then Mongolia, where the same family conquered the throne of China. Tsalmoikit Haaxw, Wilpse Haaxw, the Patriarchy of that ancient house, is the direct descendant of Abraham, who is the father of the Great Nation foretold in Genesis.

I know the royal family of the Black People, and have more to say about that in the future. For now you need to know that the real inheritance of Haaxw is the reason the white people outlawed Potlatch, attacked Charlie Sterritt and drove Simon Gunanoot into hiding for thirteen years, and that is the whole point of why the governments are funding the GTO. Governments hold power as long as the people remain divided up into many little nations, each contending against the others. The Gitxsan Treaty Office is our divider!

Sometime before contact was made with the first Spanish ships in Vancouver harbour, a princess of Wilpse Haaxw from Kitanmaax married into the royal family of the Salish who then lived where downtown Vancouver has been built. Kitksan Adaawk and Ayoak culture was steadily expanding along the coast by marriages and other commercial trading alliances. The first man to meet the Spanish in the Gulf of Georgia, the Salish Sea, was given the monopoly on woollen blankets, and because he was part Kitksan, he became known as Kitsilano, from the terms Kits, and from Lano, which is Spanish for wool. The proof of this is found in two other terms: the rival of Kitsilano’s name is Capilano, which means “the true rightful woollen blanket owner,” which demonstrates that the North Shore Chief believed he had higher rights in Salish territory than the man with the Northern mother, and this is how those two names came into existence. It also explains why Kitsilano became less well known after the outlawing of Potlatch and imposition of the Indian Act; Haaxw’s house was weakened by being separated from the Northern Matriarchy line. When Vancouver wanted to use the Tscin Haaxw land at the end of the Burrard Street bridge, they loaded the family on a barge and dropped them off on the North Shore, in Capilano’s Village. A second fact about Kitsilano is the name of his Village, at False Creek and English Bay, where Tscin means House, or Wilpse, in Salish; thus, Tscin Haaxw, the name of the Village and Reserve where the Planetarium is situated, belongs to my father Charlie’s tribe, now headed by Shannon Wright. The most amazing thing about this is that Haaxw, meaning Suffer, is the name of Abraham, in Kitksan!! This is how Abraham’s Covenant with Heaven to own the whole world, is finally kept and completed. It means we the Kitksan, own the City of Downtown Vancouver, along with our Salish in-laws. We are the elect of the Great World Nation that will complete world history and save Planet Earth from total destruction.

But it means even more in light of what was dictated in the Supreme Court of Canada, in the Delgamuukw decision; it means we have a solid and practical claim of ownership of the whole Province of British Columbia, ready to be moved forward.

This is one of the reasons why I can competently claim the title of Kuldo Kitsilano, the Northern Kitsilano. I have further knowledge about this that is too lengthy to include here.

The foregoing explains why I now stand for office as your chief councillor, so I can implement these new facts and bring your full power to bear on our rights and claims. The office of Chief Councillor of the Village of Kitanmaax is the natural place to employ this power on behalf of all of us. And with my proven natural ability to organize the skills and talents of present staff, the way I captained the Spartans, and by getting everyone busy again, we will rise to the top of politics and employment in this province, not to mention in Canada, and around the world. This news is a global phenomenon that will now allow us to restore Potlatch to its correct place as a political power institution able to legislate.

What I Will do when I am elected as Chief Councillor

I am already busy bringing new industry to Kitanmaax. Following the plan I formulated during the struggle against my oppressors, who were my own family members, the Mayor of Hazelton, Iona Campagnolo and her federal and provincial governments, as well as the Mayors of Prince Rupert and Vancouver, and all of their Police forces, I will now bring all land in this Province under one Indian Band, the Kitsilano Indian Band, authorised by assemblies of Potlatches, and empowered by bringing all taxed lands under Indian Sovereignty, something the white and the Asian middle-classes will eagerly support because we can reduce their tax burden by as much as half; this is the first economic activity I will center here in Kitanmaax, and it will take advantage of the very negotiating skills and land use planning our people have developed while emerging from the dark ages of colonial oppression and abuse.

The municipality of the Village of Hazelton is redundant and will be absorbed into the Kitanmaax Indian Band, on a local level, and into the Kitsilano Indian Band on a Provincial and Federal as well as a global level. There will be no more need for a Mayor and the legitimate Chiefs will form a permanent Senate, while elected Chiefs will form an executive authority. The two together will provide a separation of the powers of Hereditary and propertied rights in the land.

Similar models will be applied all over the Province, with the model being taught from here, through the auspices of valid Potlatches.

I know all the details of how to implement this model without any need to go to the courts and their judges because the general public gains as much from the model as we do, and I know how to take the changes that are made in our relationships with the general public, directly to the Land Title Registrars who have all the power necessary to certifying the new land regime and its new classes of tenure. The process will eliminate the double systems of land holding under the Municipal and Indian Acts, and will convey ownership to Indians in priority over all other claims.

The second industry I plan to implement as your Chief Councillor is the manufacturing and marketing of ‘green’ energy products such as Solar panels, Wind turbines and Micro-Hydro systems, which will provide high skilled employment and involve Kitksan in world travel to sell these products. I am already engaged in contracts with manufacturers and am about to build a model home and plant and warehouse using the technology. I also have plans underway to harness a small creek on our reserve at Kisgegas, and to install an Ice Plant there which will provide ice for the annual harvests and for sale down the river to other fishers. I am a skilled producer of high quality salmon and will develop this market for our fish on a high level to the existing gourmet and developing Potlatch markets, which both demand the very best.

The present regime in your Band office has not paid attention to the market for salmon and let inferior producers lower the quality while trying to keep other rightful families out of Kisgegas canyon. I will deal with this directly. The arson and attempted murders, and the completed murder and other deaths at Kisgegas demonstrate what results from compromising with evil. A family from Bear Lake who acquired a trap line by purchase, not by inheritance, along with a Chief Councillor whose mother side is not from Kitanmaax, not to say more about her real father, together have run wild, burning buildings and bringing in strange rites and beliefs and trying to teach our youth strange ways and religions. They attempted to murder me because I challenged them on these matters. It is time the rightful families of Kisgegas, and of Kitanmaax, along with the legitimate Temlaham family, are protected from these gun slinging, house burning, interlopers, and I am prepared to lead the posse as your Chief Councillor.

To regain our ethics and our integrity and to protect our natural honour I will introduce a new education curriculum that will replace the colonial driven system that purports to teach while only screening out our people and promoting incompetents into power. The new school will teach the true story, Adaawk, and the right law by the Ayoak, allowing all individuals to find their own interest and craft or profession, without having to be passed or failed by aliens. This curriculum will begin the day I take office as your Chief Councillor and the knowledge and the new teaching methods will go on to become another product for export by our people to the rest of the waiting world.

The final ‘new’ industry is the original one given humankind by Heaven:

owning and replenishing the land!

Whites and others, but very, very, few Indians, make large incomes selling land and other properties to each other. The Real Estate business takes a huge percentage out of the economy every time anyone dies or decides to sell their home or other property. As true owners of these lands, we Kitksan are entitled to either veto sales or permit sales, according to principles that suit the ecology of the Planet and the economies of Indigenous families. As lawful owners no transfer of any land from anyone who doesn’t have and can never have the blessings of the true Hereditary owners can any longer be allowed to proceed.

For over 400 years in America, and nearly 200 years on the Skeena, lands have been stolen and then traded without any respect for us, so now all land must pass through our authority on the way to its next title holder, and we must retain a final option to take formal possession of any lot ourselves on behalf of the indigenous rights, because the land must remain under our control forevermore, if this Planet is to remain fit for human habitation.

These caveats must be registered in and imposed by all of the Land Registry offices, immediately upon my becoming your Chief and I will hold Potlatches to introduce to you, as active and empowered members of my Bands, the methods and the means on which these caveats and the principles are based.

How do you know I will keep the promises set out in this paper? The only guarantee I know that can ever be kept in the world is the promise of Jesus Christ made by Him in the Gospels to humankind; I rely on His promise and am completely certain we wont be let down for the following reason: that we live inside His story, our Adaawk is His Adaawk, and when we live in his story he lives in ours. The whole universe was created in order that His promise would be made and kept. We are not the first people to whom Heaven has come in this way, to take the Holy story another step, but we are the last to whom it will be given. If anyone doubts these words they will soon see that in this, I am right.

One final word on Kitksan culture is called for in closing this memorial. How old is Kitksan culture? Words tell the truth.

You all know about the Hal’thLayet and the Hal’thdowKit, the two spiritual opponents, the Shaman and the Witch Doctor, who are known to duel over the health and souls of individuals. We are all also familiar with the fact that Doctors and Nurses are involved with ‘health.’ But who but a true Kitksan knows that both Hal’thLayet and Hal’thdowKit, and the word ‘health,’ have the same root in the original language of the world, from the garden of Eden? Hal’th in Tsalmalkit means the same as health does in English, proving that the world story, which was divided at Temlaham/Jerusalem 2000 years ago at the birth of Christ and then His crucifixion and resurrection, that story travelled west in the three books, while making another Eastern journey in our oral Adaawk, reaching Kitanmaax and then beginning to spread along the Pacific coast until the Euro devils discovered these parallels and decided it was their duty to destroy the work of Heaven.

The final Kitksan word for this writing is also rooted in health and hal’th, and has been shouted by Hebrews from the time of King David, and by Christians from the time of the Lord Jesus Christ, and it is still shouted in chapels and churches around the world, and is about to be shouted again all over our Blue Heaven:

The word is Hal’thlelujah!

Thank you for reading this and I ask you to come out and vote to support this truth and to promote this plan by voting for me to be the next Chief Councillor of the Kitanmaax Indian Band.


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