Thursday, January 28, 2010

Man lacks ideas, tries angry and foul images; Come on tbone


I am here tbone.

Well to start this response, it seems you have a disagreement in principle with communication, but through your
distemper you also take issue with my hygiene, "a lie" and my location.

I AM HERE, with my cards on the table, one is trump, so what is your argument with my story:
too much, or not enough Jesus. You do notice that I add BIN (believe it not), to my claim; I have
snapped my snare on believer and unbeliever alike, to give and to take.

I cannot take away your right to the words you use, they are you, and are your minds best attempt to feel
some power. I use my words, believe my beliefs, and follow where my story finds my Jesus Christ. I think
you will discover that I know things no human ever thought about for 6000 years, so you might offer
better fertilizer for my crops.


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