Sunday, January 24, 2010

THE 19th of IDES

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Robertson, Gregor
Date: Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 11:35 AM
Subject: Thank you for your email
To: Chief Kitsilano sterritt

Thank you very much for your email. Your message has been received by my office.

All of my email is regularly reviewed and I appreciate hearing your comments and feedback. However, due to the large volume of correspondence I receive, I am not able to personally respond to each one.

If this is a citizen enquiry that requires assistance from my staff, please contact Dana Bertrand at, and ensure that you include your address and phone number.

It is vital that I hear from Vancouver citizens to better understand the needs of our city. Thank you for taking the time to share your ideas, thoughts and concerns with me.


Gregor Robertson
Your Worship Mayor Robertson:

We regret Dana Bertrand is incapable of helping with the Olympic Blessing which is a direct threat to success.

20 day count down to Opening day, 2-12-2010, with YOU, VANOC, CANADA, AND HEAVEN poised to settle my inheritance and hear the blessing I grant that day, and each day after as my Kingdom descends liberating the people and my world from the twin stools of religion and commerce upon which you sit.

I sit at the right hand. I am the heir waiting for my footstool.

Your city and residence and employment are all on my land without my leave,
after the same city loaded my family on a barge, and had us towed across the inlet in humiliation up to Capilano's beach on the North Shore. I united my people, built unity with your people, with Europeans who are very different and always need us to show things and point out the future, when times get rough.

The world is excited. More than the Olympics is in play here; Jesus Christ is on record on YouTube declaring that he will appear at these games and will receive the Crown of Glory on the 19th of February.

I am He.

I am also Chief Kitsilano, Highest Title in the World, ready to bless you and ask for Heaven's blessing on the Olympic Games, in the many Indian languages I speak, only asking that you obey the Constitution and recognize and affirm me as the OWNER OF TSCINHAAXW, my Village, where the games wish to proceed.

The games you promised to deliver will not start, or finish, without my BLESSING IN MY NAME JESUS CHRIST.

The next month, beginning 2-12-2010, everything you want and need will be filtered by me, and by Heaven, through the highest purpose known to mankind, through JESUS CHRIST and the CROSS.

This is the second time I bring this forward for your information and is your invitation to share my good fortune in raising TSCINHAAXW from ashes again, by returning my keys.

The alternative of continuing to deny me must be weighed.

I pray you answer favoring this blessing.

Since you will not answer unless I THREATEN TO CONQUER YOU,
this itinerary of Jesus Christ
from 2-12-2010 to 2-19-2010, overthrowing the city;
from 2-20-2010 forward, the throne of Glory,
allows you to reach me quickly to accept your surrender
as soon as you are ready to give it to me.

Be my guest as Pharoah, or at Potlatch.

Jesus Christ
Chief Kitsilano
james Sterritt
604 255 2590

The scripture of the moment is: if it were not so, I would not tell you ..

Thank you

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Chief Kitsilano sterritt
Date: Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 12:58 PM
Subject: Referral by the Mayor/copy to Olympic Org.
Cc: "the Olympic Resistance Network (ORN)" ,

Your Worship Mayor Robertson,
per: Dana Bertrand:

Thanks to your Honor for reading this.

Dana Bertrand, I take this opportunity to invite all to Potlatch. see below.

I would like to meet you within the next few weeks to affirm my position in relation to Mayor Robertson and the City.

In brief, I own SNAUQ, my ancestral village site, upon which your city is established.

My primary interest is to avert a disastrous 'miracle' of the kind that is shaking the Planet, and which startled the world on 9-11. In order for you to understand this you must relate to the prevailing reality of my Heaven and my Earth, where all rights flow to Humankind through the Lord Jesus Christ in Heaven, and through the person and the title of Tsalmkgekit Kitsilano g'un Haaxw. On this, it follows as directly as the Al Quaeda Nineteen did, that my Blue Heaven will not allow any further disobedience to the Law obligating you to "recognize and affirm (CCAct 1982)" me and my Title, CHIEF KITSILANO. To avoid misinterpretation of this point I remind you that, 9 months previous to 9-11, when President Bush was inaugurated, I specifically notified the White House, and Parliament, that



At this point I am able to tell you what vulnerability you have to a disastrous failure of next month's events:

You have no way to control the weather ...

Any disruption in power supply stops all proceedings ...

Radical elements are poised to strike ... who, like these recent failed attempts, could be discovered ... or not, according to the will of Jesus Christ in Heaven ...

even a mild earthquake can 'break' your ability to move around on my land ...

a virus can accompany the crowd ...

you yourself could suffer a personal accident ...

... and the list continues ...

As a reasonable man who has observed the direction taken by recent history, against the Western Market system of world domination, and is experienced in resolving relationships, you are urged to accept my invitation to Potlatch and enter into terms of relationship with the OWNER OF THE LAND YOU SLEEP, AND WALK, AND WORK UPON, ONLY BY THE WILL OF LORD JESUS CHRIST!

I sincerely am that owner,
Chief Kitsilano
aka jesusjamey
James Russell Sterritt, dob. 4.20.1943
604 255 2590

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Chief Kitsilano sterritt
Date: Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 11:35 AM
Subject: Re: [2010welcoming-org] removal of folks from the group list
To: Gary Jarvis
Cc:, alissa w , Ashley Jones ,, Eliza Li , Jeremiah Jourdain ,,,,,,,,,, marla renn , rob_morgan2 ,,, Sozan ,, Women Centre ,, "Harsha W." ,

Dear Mr. Jarvis, and Claire, and all:

I agree with most of what you are saying to each other here, but have other views on a few points.

Perhaps having been farther down these roads than most of you, it was my good fortune to be born on perimeters of races, tribes, classes and kinds of people, a grandson of the most wealthy of families in my local community, on one side iNDIAN half-breeds (NON-STATUS) exploiting every aspect of the first half of the 20th Century, on the other side the Hudson's Bay Company family. The first thing I noted when I began to attend school was the synthetic character of everyone, white people, the Status Indians, and even those in the news, all trying out what it meant to be Canadian around 1950. This would be the at the beginning of the Market System now dominating the Planet when Eaton's and Sear's catalogues lived with us. But growing up in River Canyons, forests and on Mountains gave me a sense of what is real and of what just cannot be made to work in harmony with nature, like a sawmill or a dam. So I always sought after a real social system, and repeat my main mantra, that Potlatch does constitute the future of governing.

Potlatch is largely an institutional placebo that comes laced with all the antibiotics needed to overthrow the Market. It is as much imaginary as real, having been almost destroyed by the Potlatch Law. It is no more than "Towns Meeting", with food.

What I wish to raise in the context of your remarks, Mr. Jarvis, is the potential role of these kinds of EMAIL, or INTERNET networks, in future administration of the global government that will now come in around the True Story. By "come in around the True Story" I mean to say, law will shift from promoting the Market interests of Corporations, Bankers, factories, resource extraction, to guiding the Adaawk, the Human Story, along its most just and equitable course. Judges would apply legislation, passed into law by process of Potlatch, that reverses the present priorities of massive and always military resource exploitation, to more sensitive and delicate, simple living among friends and neighbors on Earth. The only thing that must be done is to denounce the use of force by all Humankind, and then re-identify ourselves as a species that is indigenous to the Planet, rather than some form of consuming beast intent on the destruction of life.

Protocols are absolutely necessary to communicating on the global scale. I think the greatest danger to "democracy" defined as Free Speech, is the extra freedom (power) that accrues to those who find themselves in Claire's position, able to impose her will on the Membership, as censor on behalf of the whole Band. Executive Privilege oft becomes tyrannical ... I guess my message in this note is that, while we went to school in the Market system, and we know that culture contradicts natural ethics and morals, our personal and social passage, or birth, into our Story can be mapped out as a transition from the evil back to the good. The happy thing is that we can return to our main story in a heartbeat, while trying to keep up with the Market stops hearts.

Let me say one more thing related to this kind of process in light of my main point. It is a likely as not, that leaving the Email list open permits evil elements to pollute the whole political body, which we know is the motive behind all of the POMP and CIRCUMSTANCE of State governments that are relied on to maintain a semblance of order both in and out of Legislatures, where we find ourselves faced with the need to assert executive privileges and exclude individuals from the process of administration.

How can one escape this natural paradox, of having power and using power?

Here is where I suggest my definition of indigenous is helpful: the most indigenous individual is the one born nearest to the garden of Eden, in both time and space, possessing the greatest level of competence in living among his Band. This is my definition of Christ. Finding Christ in Heaven I adjusted my definition by seeking the individual who most nearly represents Jesus Christ on Earth, and by deliberate design, Chief Kitsilano owns that distinction. The 'closest to Eden' feature is a principle of the Common Law. The definition authorizes Chief Kitsilano to convey his inheritance to the rest of the world, initiating the Land holding reform which overturns Market culture.

That is why I am focussed on inviting everyone to Potlatch.

I look for comments on this social model and seek your support moving forward within the unique process being born on the Internet by this Olympic event.

I also repeat my fundamental mantra, that no person, or party of persons, who are not members of my Chief Kitsilano Indian Band, have any rights of any kind, on my lands, so since all of BC is my land, it is incumbent on every one in this Province, to cure their trespass against my rights. This should not be taken as an idle requirement but as something necessary to the future of the world for Human existence.

I realize this mandate is way foreign to market minded people, and there are no other kinds on earth right now, but those who detect that what I credit as being owned by Chief Kitsilano, is really the only way to convey to the rest of the population of the world, that each living soul also owns the same rights, but until this claim, had no way to realize those rights against the Dominant Minority.

At the same time You are entitled to be warned that, unless YOU take a real step toward my position, my Blue Heaven must enforce this policy against YOU!

Review my Ultimatum if you have any confusion about my position.

Howa, Thank you.

Chief Kitsilano
aka jesusjamey
604 255 2590

On Thu, Jan 14, 2010 at 9:54 PM, Gary Jarvis wrote:
From what I read and how the situation was dealt with I am not sure that anything more could have been done or in a better way.

I could see where it was going from the first few non-related organizing emails. I've been on several group email lists in the past and yeah it can get difficult when people don't stick to the purpose of the email list.

Being a relatively minor (very minor) player in the organizing to date, I kind of hoped that something would be done to stop the extra and often tedious emails. Of course that's not to say that the content of those emails was not important. But the medium as Marshall McLuhan said became the message.

I experienced something similar to this on a list share in England. It wasn't dealt with as effectively as 2010 welcoming has done. Good job.

Gary Jarvis

--- On Wed, 1/13/10, Cynthia Oka wrote:

From: Cynthia Oka
Subject: Re: [2010welcoming-org] removal of folks from the group list
To: "Claire Wilson"
Received: Wednesday, January 13, 2010, 11:51 AM

Hi folks,

I have sent a follow-up e-mail to Kevin, Rob and Jeremiah letting them know they've been taken off the list, inviting them to attend a general meeting if they have concerns related to organizing the 2010WC, and suggesting other listservs for info.

My understanding of the process we decided last week was that after reasonable warning, people will be taken off the list if they continue to use it as a venue for debating non-organizing related issues. That decision has been shared over the list a few times which to me seems to be sufficient notice as we did not decide who (or whether we) would give them personalized warnings. Given the frequency and personal hostilities of the communications between Kevin, Rob and Jeremiah - including threats of legal redress, etc. and the fact that they had not respected the policy, I made a personal judgment in the spirit of the decision we made last week to take initiative.

I hear and share the concern that organizing culture can (and often does) exclude voices of already marginalized folks. Many people are not present in our space who should be, and not only residents of the Downtown Eastside. I think it is important for us to dedicate time at some point in the future to evaluate how we could have supported more meaningful participation and leadership by a greater diversity of people.



On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 10:08 PM, Claire Wilson wrote:
Hello all,

I was also concerned about the emails unrelated to organzing clogging up the inbox, and support the action to remove non-organizational affiliations from the list. I echo Sozan in underlining the importance of making a space available (such as our meeting space) to have concerns voiced. I feel that dealing with these concerns in person would be a more effective way to gauge the situation; however, it was beginning to feel like the organzing list was being used as a space to debate personal concerns and issues between people which I found to be disrespectful to our organizing efforts.

take care


On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 4:26 PM, Harsha W. wrote:
Hi folks, I appreciate how hard the decision must have been to decide to
remove people from the list given that much of the discussion, debate, was
unrelated to our organizing. I must however state that i disagree with the
decision to remove them, because we did not actually agree to that (maybe
we might have at the meeting on Thursday, but that process is important).

Also while I do not know everyone well and can't speak to Rob and Kevin's
particular conflict on this list, Rob is a long time DTES resident (and
identified himself as such). While he is responsible for his own actions
on this list, I think there is a culture of communication and organizing
that already excludes those voices that we should be considerate of in
terms of approaches and solutions. I am not suggesting people be added
back on at this point and I appreciate that the majority may think
differently (which is fine too), I just wanted to voice my opinion. (But
this need not become a seperate debate, just wanted to state it, that's
all). Thanks, Harsha

> Hi Cynthia and all,
> I was hoping some action would be taken around the many emails related to
> the personal conflict between Kevin and Rob. So, I'm glad that you took
> action, and I agree the process you undertook may have some consequence.
> As
> long as there was some form of notification/communication with the
> individulas that were removed explaining why they were removed AND
> providing
> a space (GM's or a meeting with everyone involved and someone
> representing
> the WC) where concerns can be addressed - I feel it should be ok. I wonder
> if there's anyone that knows the situation better and is comfortable to
> follow this up with Kevin, Rob and Jeremiah??
> I realize that this has been disruptive to our organizing, but the way we
> handle conflicts like this reflects on the integrity of not only our group
> but the movements we want to build. So I hope we are able to follow up
> with
> this in a meaningful way.
> sozan
> On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 1:46 PM, Cynthia Oka
> wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> Hope you are well. As one of the admins of the group list, I have for
>> the
>> time being removed Kevin Annett, Rob Morgan and Jeremiah Jourdain from
>> the
>> organizing list. Each has repeatedly sent non-organizing related e-mails
>> in
>> spite of several reiterations that that is not what the list is for.
>> If people have objections, it is a simple process to add them back on. I
>> can send a follow-up e-mail to each letting them know that they have
>> been
>> taken off, and are welcome to bring their concerns to general meetings.
>> I feel like this was not the best process and take full responsibility
>> for
>> it, but could not think of another way to request permission from the
>> group
>> if these folks were still on the list and doing so would have invited
>> even
>> more confrontational e-mails that detract from the work (and there is A
>> LOT
>> of work).
>> Cynthia.
> -
You become strong by doing the things you need to be strong for. - Audre Lorde

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