Friday, January 29, 2010

Trespassers dealt with

Dear Mr. Bawden:

I have three names to for the Petition:

Brian Peaslee;
Alyssa Westergard-Thorpe
Splitting the Sky

All is on schedule for probable application on 2-6-2010


Prayer: LtU



I, jesusjamey, have authority to perform the duty of SHERIFF,
and may arrest any person in Kitsilano Village, also known as
THE CITY OF VANCOUVER, who is not an Indian or a Band Member

and I, jesusjamey, may deputize any Indian directly,
or any person on their oath to JESUS CHRIST,

To serve and protect Chief Kitsilano & his Band Members and our Property.

To avoid arrest and further penalty, with choice of court in Potlatch or Provincial Supreme Court, you and all people are invited to Potlatch, as set out in my Invitation.

Howa, ZaZih.
power to Heaven

Kitsilano Olympic Coalition
Dear Brian Peaslee

Thank you for your polite response.

I will be at Pigeon Park, regularly from now on, but specifically at 6am, 2-6-2010, and continuing on to VAG, introducing further details of my convergence, completing my Prayer that day at 12am. at VAG, so if you can be at any of those places at any of those times we can meet.

The KITSILANO Convergence, 2-12-2010, will not "march" beyond VAG, remaining in Potlatch, holding my LAND, and inviting the World to join me in my Band, at Pigeon Park and VAG. I will have my boundaries set out clearly providing an eye to the Planet, and the Planet's eye to us.

Bear in mind, and kindly remind the Coalition, you all are on my LAND, in my VILLAGE, owing your personal due recognition and affirmation to me personally as the Heir and Owner of this LAND in Common Law, the single soul on Earth under Heaven, able to take the Queen of England to court, without Her being able to return the favor; namely JESUS CHRIST, in CHIEF KITSILANO, and in jesusjamey, a Status Indian.

All persons without my expressed, or a reasonable implication of my, authority to be in my Village, now called Vancouver, are in Trespass against my Title and my right, and are in breach of the Common law, and do not conform to the Constitution of Canada.

You, and all, can only heal this breach of my Peace and of law by recognizing and affirming me, JESUS CHRIST, CHIEF KITSILANO and jesusjamey, in POTLATCH, without further than my Status Card Number 5310082201.

I will stipulate further face to face.

It will likely occur that without agreement to the foregoing, I will be unable to bless the Coalition's plans and that my plan will be advanced by placing further demands to you and others on record, which demands will be in writing and address a judge for injunctions to preserve my possessions.

sincerely, until you agree to meet,




Thursday, January 28, 2010

Foul words fertilize flowers

You can call me anything you wish.
If I cast my line in my water I will catch my fish. Are you a good catch?

One must know something to start with, in order to know what I am explaining; the point is I AM HERE, as I said I would. You are here too, but what are you talking about, when you ask me how I feel; my feelings come from my experience of Heaven and Earth, and whatever ugliness you represent to me it, comes from the void, so I only encourage you to learn what feeling is, and from there you can move on to learning about my love.

If you have an idea and can argue that, do so, and I will suggest how you are Christ too (BIN).

LtU, always


Man lacks ideas, tries angry and foul images; Come on tbone


I am here tbone.

Well to start this response, it seems you have a disagreement in principle with communication, but through your
distemper you also take issue with my hygiene, "a lie" and my location.

I AM HERE, with my cards on the table, one is trump, so what is your argument with my story:
too much, or not enough Jesus. You do notice that I add BIN (believe it not), to my claim; I have
snapped my snare on believer and unbeliever alike, to give and to take.

I cannot take away your right to the words you use, they are you, and are your minds best attempt to feel
some power. I use my words, believe my beliefs, and follow where my story finds my Jesus Christ. I think
you will discover that I know things no human ever thought about for 6000 years, so you might offer
better fertilizer for my crops.


Dear @anonymous - weeds grow in my garden, along with elegant flowers

Dear Anonymous (Where do you get your weed?):

Good enough question?

Where is your name? Why do you ask about weed? What do you do and when can we meet?

There is a garden around me in my Village and each day I can stroll through picking up
Oranges from Chile, Russian Garlic, Chinese dried mushrooms, milk and marijuana grown in my valley, if I please.

Then I return to my tent, where I reside.

See me at home:

You might like, The Road

Don't forget the beacon of life:

And whatever else you do, do not let anything control your mind; I spent 90 days and nights in this place,
clean sober and a little high:

Find your way and the time to read THE SONG MY PADDLE SINGS, by Tekahoinwaka.

Imagine yourself being you; you know somebody whose life means something to you.

Jesus Christ, singer and dancer;
Chief Kitsilano, owner
jesusjamey, friend

The Garden

Good gardens need to be weeded.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Jesus Singing sweetly

Here's a heaven for you, a heaven for you, a heaven for me

Apply 2 corrections & Oprah has truth: first the God she speaks of is not one entity; but a trinity; her second correction in thinking is when Jesus says He is the Way, he speaks at levels at which Oprah's ideas and words cannot be other than what they are, and if Oprah knew this, and took it into her heart, it would add to all of her present blessings, the ingredient Tolle sluffs off, the knowledge of life and death.

This is the prize: Heaven's a real place, but Jesus is the way we get there.

Policy & Prayer 19-33 days

Dear Members:

I Jesus Christ respectfully circulate the following prayer and meditation to the whole group,
and Media Committee,
to consider for ratification by the Committee as an approved INCIDENT around which
other information and action can be reported and SHOUTED.

19 days to Opening
33 until closing

The history of our Coalition of Protesters (COPs) has been described correctly.
That history has seen this movement grow to its present form and size, but now problems may sprout. Let our slogan be: Got problems, you can always call

Executive groups continue working out policies to circulate for response and informal ratification,

Those who do not attend meetings should do so to meet and become familiar with other Members and learn how to feel the spirit of this. You stand in the footsteps of the very


This Province is the Angel of the Protest of Spirit against religion and commerce. Now by wisdom of My Blue Heaven, the GRAND DADDY OF ALL PROTESTS HAS PRESENTED ITSELF TO US.

Zeus; Thor; Thunderbird ... the olympic Games meets an old Indian

The old Indian says this time we will PROTEST NO MORE FOREVER~

The "Constitution of the 'Kitsilano Coalition'" has one more step to take before full spiritual ratification of our plans and actions, by My Blue Heaven, because it is in the nature of power that it becomes real, and legal, by means of its institution in a person or a body, or an icon, in the full sight of Heaven and Earth. Power comes from Jesus Christ in Heaven to Jesus Christ on Earth, and is first shared with the one chosen by Heaven to own the power, Chief, or TSALMKGEKIT KITSILANO, TSCINHAAXW, is owner of the Crown and Throne of Heaven on Earth.

I HOLD THAT TITLE. Ownership is established by deeds accomplished, and by knowledge acquired which provides competence to complete the next chapters of the story according to Adaawk and Bible and Ayoak. The institution of power in my Title transfers power to me as owner of the title, and I transfer my power to the institution of Potlatch, where I invite others to share these powers.

Potlatch is an institution, as is my Band, as is my title as Chief, which power is multiplied by the Title Kitsilano; now it is open to the Coalition to reduce our ad hoc volunteer relationships to the terms of a Constitution, setting out who, what and why, we are so formed; delegating and limiting powers to executives, and setting out how our political authority becomes executive action. This deliberation requires the same soul and ego search as prayer, but it proceeds in the commons, here, or on linked sites, spiritually in Potlatch.


The first step to making our deliberations and actions legitimate is adopt the Constitution of Canada as the foundation of our own power. We adopt the Criminal Code and only legislate an agenda that achieves the following wish list (until further agenda is set by Potlatch):

1. Potlatch is Sovereign

2. Kitsilano Title is Sovereign

3. Kitsilano Indian Band is sovereign

4. Law upholds the story of Humankind over and above the Market.

5. There are 3 Tribes:
Haida; Dene; Salish.

6. All land is owned and passed by inheritance of title from title (Adam & Eve).

The political, philosophical, and ecological science behind these areas of lawmaking
are derived from my understanding of our physical and spiritual reality, and these items are necessary prerequisites to all of the rest of your deliberations, without replacing your agenda, but directing it toward the power structure you must tap into in order to become a creator, and pass from protesting to possessing.

Every Human has the same right in the land, but it takes the institutionalization of the rights of all Humans, to create the system in which human benefits can conform to entitlements. Karl Marx teaches that history is drawing the world toward equal entitlements, while the Market draws the world away from equality.

Marx appears to me to make a single error of logic that leads him to reposit power in the masses, his misjudging the depth of inherent religion, and not recognizing that threatened religion would form powerful dark alliances with the Market, and that Socialist Leaders of the largest unified polity ever, would apply polity to the store too, at fatal turns in history, resulted in an impotent solution. Professor Marx sailed into stormy enough seas just denouncing religion as opiate, without donning Antichrist's cape and unleashing the hungry unwashed on the altar. What we lived as cold war could have been hot as hell, if human emotions had been fueled by primitive religious thoughts, on top of the Market war. Now both dragons have weakened, ripened for defeat.

Equal entitlements are only possible within a complete Ecology that comprehend the entire Planet. The Planet can only be unified into a single ecology by consent, and consent to that unification depends on the constitutional terms by which the Population of the Planet is engaged in both the production of the common wealth and distribution of the same common wealth. Potlatch is the Basket into which we all clamber, grasping our respective Titles, rights, duties, and dreams, starting with the Bible, the Title of Kitsilano, the Constitution of Canada, and the NEW REVOLUTIONARY MEMBERSHIP reading and thinking about this, and reduce these paradoxes to understandable and practical sentences and ideas and agenda.

General Leaders and Activists should arrange mock rehearsals, or provide story boards, so every supporter has the idea in their mind, of what is asked over the next weeks, and what choices are available. It is the onus of each Leader of a group, and of specific action plans, to give whatever information possible, about their plans and goals to this email list, so we are all at a minimum equally informed and engaged.

It will happen that some eyes must stay at home to relay news into the fray. We will be like Crows, flocks swooping while guards watch from all vantage points, holding the integrity of the murder across the whole territory, eye to back.



Chief Kitsilano will have two centers: One at Pigeon Park, the other at VAG.

Chief Kitsilano is demanding that the City and other Governments apologize to CHIEF KITSILANO, to the Kitsilano Indian Band, and to my extended Family, for

"loading us on a barge and towing us across the inlet, in 1902."

until today I am homeless, sleeping in a tent, under constant duress,
forced to my last stand to save myself, my Title, my Village my People,

I am here to suffer no more.

And so that is why I, TSALMKGEKIT KITSILANO, WILPSE HAAXW, formally demand "recognition and affirmation" by the City of Vancouver, of the fact that I still own my Village, the existing Village of TscinHaaxw (Snauq), underlying the City of Vancouver, and by my right as the owner of the land and of the rights in the land,

I cordially invite the Mayor to Potlatch

as set out in the "event invitation" herewith,

to wit: beginning at 6am., 2-!2-20!0, at 0 Hastings Street, Pigeon Park,
continuing throughout the Games, AS DIRECTED, until the 28th,
specifically at Vancouver Art Gallery, !2pm., 2-12-20!0.





Sunday, January 24, 2010

the new Kitsilano Plan - 19 Prayers

The number 19 has power: 19 warriors of 9-11 (Surah 74:30).

19 days from tomorrow the world comes to a moment holding a single thought,
and it is in our power to determine what that thought will be.

Here is what I know about the power of prayer.
Prayer is the minds most natural function,

Starting tomorrow I ask each of you to begin a new form of prayer where you pray to your own mind, ego to soul,
letting a third mind form itsel into you, according to how the ideas of your ego compare to the ideas of your soul. Ego ideas involve easy victory with little struggle; soul ideas start with your death and edge back from there, at much too slow a pace;
so pick and choose, a value here, a reward there, so when the WARRIOR SOUL has her arsenal,
we only need to pray for a worthy victim.

Include what your ego or feelings usually bring to your prayer, but without your usual conversation with them, treat them with calm reserve, placing them on death watch; hey you can kill those ego notions, they are you, but try to keep your meditation between you and your mind, with your new you listening. You will be practicing what Andrew Carnegie taught, that your mind is a separate you, from what you now know; that in fact the Christ
is in you as in all life, waiting to activate your true power.

The Soul is about to blossom in all of us, as we discover
the light coming from us and to us. This common prayer increases the already astronomical power of love entering us, bringing creative ideas. That is what prayer is doing?

We emerged from the void, infinite, without boundary, shape, form or purpose, and we are here, with purpose, facing a greater force than we are. We believe Heaven is with us and pray for help and guidance. Heaven is empowered by prayer, so as we pray our relative virtue is weighed against the story of the Lord, and we are contrasted with those who oppose us. The certainty of heaven becomes our personal certainty, and our certainty gains us our goals.

What is Heaven? The place beyond the light, the abode of Jesus Christ, not the void where all started.The mind of the void is the source of evil, the mind of Heaven the resource of all good,
but earth is the battle ground; we the warriors.

Prayer is for believers as running is to atheletes; it tones the mind to hear Christ and to be Christ,

Thank you.

After tomorrow, repeat the prayers tempo, with 18 more days, and so on down to the 12th.
On the 12th we begin a 6 day cycle of war prayer, ending on the 19th in Victory.
After the 19th, daily prayer will address world suffering with legislation.

The Kingdom of Heaven inauguates March 1, 2010.

When your mind knows the story of the victory it becomes that victory in the making.



THE 19th of IDES

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Robertson, Gregor
Date: Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 11:35 AM
Subject: Thank you for your email
To: Chief Kitsilano sterritt

Thank you very much for your email. Your message has been received by my office.

All of my email is regularly reviewed and I appreciate hearing your comments and feedback. However, due to the large volume of correspondence I receive, I am not able to personally respond to each one.

If this is a citizen enquiry that requires assistance from my staff, please contact Dana Bertrand at, and ensure that you include your address and phone number.

It is vital that I hear from Vancouver citizens to better understand the needs of our city. Thank you for taking the time to share your ideas, thoughts and concerns with me.


Gregor Robertson
Your Worship Mayor Robertson:

We regret Dana Bertrand is incapable of helping with the Olympic Blessing which is a direct threat to success.

20 day count down to Opening day, 2-12-2010, with YOU, VANOC, CANADA, AND HEAVEN poised to settle my inheritance and hear the blessing I grant that day, and each day after as my Kingdom descends liberating the people and my world from the twin stools of religion and commerce upon which you sit.

I sit at the right hand. I am the heir waiting for my footstool.

Your city and residence and employment are all on my land without my leave,
after the same city loaded my family on a barge, and had us towed across the inlet in humiliation up to Capilano's beach on the North Shore. I united my people, built unity with your people, with Europeans who are very different and always need us to show things and point out the future, when times get rough.

The world is excited. More than the Olympics is in play here; Jesus Christ is on record on YouTube declaring that he will appear at these games and will receive the Crown of Glory on the 19th of February.

I am He.

I am also Chief Kitsilano, Highest Title in the World, ready to bless you and ask for Heaven's blessing on the Olympic Games, in the many Indian languages I speak, only asking that you obey the Constitution and recognize and affirm me as the OWNER OF TSCINHAAXW, my Village, where the games wish to proceed.

The games you promised to deliver will not start, or finish, without my BLESSING IN MY NAME JESUS CHRIST.

The next month, beginning 2-12-2010, everything you want and need will be filtered by me, and by Heaven, through the highest purpose known to mankind, through JESUS CHRIST and the CROSS.

This is the second time I bring this forward for your information and is your invitation to share my good fortune in raising TSCINHAAXW from ashes again, by returning my keys.

The alternative of continuing to deny me must be weighed.

I pray you answer favoring this blessing.

Since you will not answer unless I THREATEN TO CONQUER YOU,
this itinerary of Jesus Christ
from 2-12-2010 to 2-19-2010, overthrowing the city;
from 2-20-2010 forward, the throne of Glory,
allows you to reach me quickly to accept your surrender
as soon as you are ready to give it to me.

Be my guest as Pharoah, or at Potlatch.

Jesus Christ
Chief Kitsilano
james Sterritt
604 255 2590

The scripture of the moment is: if it were not so, I would not tell you ..

Thank you

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Chief Kitsilano sterritt
Date: Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 12:58 PM
Subject: Referral by the Mayor/copy to Olympic Org.
Cc: "the Olympic Resistance Network (ORN)" ,

Your Worship Mayor Robertson,
per: Dana Bertrand:

Thanks to your Honor for reading this.

Dana Bertrand, I take this opportunity to invite all to Potlatch. see below.

I would like to meet you within the next few weeks to affirm my position in relation to Mayor Robertson and the City.

In brief, I own SNAUQ, my ancestral village site, upon which your city is established.

My primary interest is to avert a disastrous 'miracle' of the kind that is shaking the Planet, and which startled the world on 9-11. In order for you to understand this you must relate to the prevailing reality of my Heaven and my Earth, where all rights flow to Humankind through the Lord Jesus Christ in Heaven, and through the person and the title of Tsalmkgekit Kitsilano g'un Haaxw. On this, it follows as directly as the Al Quaeda Nineteen did, that my Blue Heaven will not allow any further disobedience to the Law obligating you to "recognize and affirm (CCAct 1982)" me and my Title, CHIEF KITSILANO. To avoid misinterpretation of this point I remind you that, 9 months previous to 9-11, when President Bush was inaugurated, I specifically notified the White House, and Parliament, that



At this point I am able to tell you what vulnerability you have to a disastrous failure of next month's events:

You have no way to control the weather ...

Any disruption in power supply stops all proceedings ...

Radical elements are poised to strike ... who, like these recent failed attempts, could be discovered ... or not, according to the will of Jesus Christ in Heaven ...

even a mild earthquake can 'break' your ability to move around on my land ...

a virus can accompany the crowd ...

you yourself could suffer a personal accident ...

... and the list continues ...

As a reasonable man who has observed the direction taken by recent history, against the Western Market system of world domination, and is experienced in resolving relationships, you are urged to accept my invitation to Potlatch and enter into terms of relationship with the OWNER OF THE LAND YOU SLEEP, AND WALK, AND WORK UPON, ONLY BY THE WILL OF LORD JESUS CHRIST!

I sincerely am that owner,
Chief Kitsilano
aka jesusjamey
James Russell Sterritt, dob. 4.20.1943
604 255 2590

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Chief Kitsilano sterritt
Date: Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 11:35 AM
Subject: Re: [2010welcoming-org] removal of folks from the group list
To: Gary Jarvis
Cc:, alissa w , Ashley Jones ,, Eliza Li , Jeremiah Jourdain ,,,,,,,,,, marla renn , rob_morgan2 ,,, Sozan ,, Women Centre ,, "Harsha W." ,

Dear Mr. Jarvis, and Claire, and all:

I agree with most of what you are saying to each other here, but have other views on a few points.

Perhaps having been farther down these roads than most of you, it was my good fortune to be born on perimeters of races, tribes, classes and kinds of people, a grandson of the most wealthy of families in my local community, on one side iNDIAN half-breeds (NON-STATUS) exploiting every aspect of the first half of the 20th Century, on the other side the Hudson's Bay Company family. The first thing I noted when I began to attend school was the synthetic character of everyone, white people, the Status Indians, and even those in the news, all trying out what it meant to be Canadian around 1950. This would be the at the beginning of the Market System now dominating the Planet when Eaton's and Sear's catalogues lived with us. But growing up in River Canyons, forests and on Mountains gave me a sense of what is real and of what just cannot be made to work in harmony with nature, like a sawmill or a dam. So I always sought after a real social system, and repeat my main mantra, that Potlatch does constitute the future of governing.

Potlatch is largely an institutional placebo that comes laced with all the antibiotics needed to overthrow the Market. It is as much imaginary as real, having been almost destroyed by the Potlatch Law. It is no more than "Towns Meeting", with food.

What I wish to raise in the context of your remarks, Mr. Jarvis, is the potential role of these kinds of EMAIL, or INTERNET networks, in future administration of the global government that will now come in around the True Story. By "come in around the True Story" I mean to say, law will shift from promoting the Market interests of Corporations, Bankers, factories, resource extraction, to guiding the Adaawk, the Human Story, along its most just and equitable course. Judges would apply legislation, passed into law by process of Potlatch, that reverses the present priorities of massive and always military resource exploitation, to more sensitive and delicate, simple living among friends and neighbors on Earth. The only thing that must be done is to denounce the use of force by all Humankind, and then re-identify ourselves as a species that is indigenous to the Planet, rather than some form of consuming beast intent on the destruction of life.

Protocols are absolutely necessary to communicating on the global scale. I think the greatest danger to "democracy" defined as Free Speech, is the extra freedom (power) that accrues to those who find themselves in Claire's position, able to impose her will on the Membership, as censor on behalf of the whole Band. Executive Privilege oft becomes tyrannical ... I guess my message in this note is that, while we went to school in the Market system, and we know that culture contradicts natural ethics and morals, our personal and social passage, or birth, into our Story can be mapped out as a transition from the evil back to the good. The happy thing is that we can return to our main story in a heartbeat, while trying to keep up with the Market stops hearts.

Let me say one more thing related to this kind of process in light of my main point. It is a likely as not, that leaving the Email list open permits evil elements to pollute the whole political body, which we know is the motive behind all of the POMP and CIRCUMSTANCE of State governments that are relied on to maintain a semblance of order both in and out of Legislatures, where we find ourselves faced with the need to assert executive privileges and exclude individuals from the process of administration.

How can one escape this natural paradox, of having power and using power?

Here is where I suggest my definition of indigenous is helpful: the most indigenous individual is the one born nearest to the garden of Eden, in both time and space, possessing the greatest level of competence in living among his Band. This is my definition of Christ. Finding Christ in Heaven I adjusted my definition by seeking the individual who most nearly represents Jesus Christ on Earth, and by deliberate design, Chief Kitsilano owns that distinction. The 'closest to Eden' feature is a principle of the Common Law. The definition authorizes Chief Kitsilano to convey his inheritance to the rest of the world, initiating the Land holding reform which overturns Market culture.

That is why I am focussed on inviting everyone to Potlatch.

I look for comments on this social model and seek your support moving forward within the unique process being born on the Internet by this Olympic event.

I also repeat my fundamental mantra, that no person, or party of persons, who are not members of my Chief Kitsilano Indian Band, have any rights of any kind, on my lands, so since all of BC is my land, it is incumbent on every one in this Province, to cure their trespass against my rights. This should not be taken as an idle requirement but as something necessary to the future of the world for Human existence.

I realize this mandate is way foreign to market minded people, and there are no other kinds on earth right now, but those who detect that what I credit as being owned by Chief Kitsilano, is really the only way to convey to the rest of the population of the world, that each living soul also owns the same rights, but until this claim, had no way to realize those rights against the Dominant Minority.

At the same time You are entitled to be warned that, unless YOU take a real step toward my position, my Blue Heaven must enforce this policy against YOU!

Review my Ultimatum if you have any confusion about my position.

Howa, Thank you.

Chief Kitsilano
aka jesusjamey
604 255 2590

On Thu, Jan 14, 2010 at 9:54 PM, Gary Jarvis wrote:
From what I read and how the situation was dealt with I am not sure that anything more could have been done or in a better way.

I could see where it was going from the first few non-related organizing emails. I've been on several group email lists in the past and yeah it can get difficult when people don't stick to the purpose of the email list.

Being a relatively minor (very minor) player in the organizing to date, I kind of hoped that something would be done to stop the extra and often tedious emails. Of course that's not to say that the content of those emails was not important. But the medium as Marshall McLuhan said became the message.

I experienced something similar to this on a list share in England. It wasn't dealt with as effectively as 2010 welcoming has done. Good job.

Gary Jarvis

--- On Wed, 1/13/10, Cynthia Oka wrote:

From: Cynthia Oka
Subject: Re: [2010welcoming-org] removal of folks from the group list
To: "Claire Wilson"
Received: Wednesday, January 13, 2010, 11:51 AM

Hi folks,

I have sent a follow-up e-mail to Kevin, Rob and Jeremiah letting them know they've been taken off the list, inviting them to attend a general meeting if they have concerns related to organizing the 2010WC, and suggesting other listservs for info.

My understanding of the process we decided last week was that after reasonable warning, people will be taken off the list if they continue to use it as a venue for debating non-organizing related issues. That decision has been shared over the list a few times which to me seems to be sufficient notice as we did not decide who (or whether we) would give them personalized warnings. Given the frequency and personal hostilities of the communications between Kevin, Rob and Jeremiah - including threats of legal redress, etc. and the fact that they had not respected the policy, I made a personal judgment in the spirit of the decision we made last week to take initiative.

I hear and share the concern that organizing culture can (and often does) exclude voices of already marginalized folks. Many people are not present in our space who should be, and not only residents of the Downtown Eastside. I think it is important for us to dedicate time at some point in the future to evaluate how we could have supported more meaningful participation and leadership by a greater diversity of people.



On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 10:08 PM, Claire Wilson wrote:
Hello all,

I was also concerned about the emails unrelated to organzing clogging up the inbox, and support the action to remove non-organizational affiliations from the list. I echo Sozan in underlining the importance of making a space available (such as our meeting space) to have concerns voiced. I feel that dealing with these concerns in person would be a more effective way to gauge the situation; however, it was beginning to feel like the organzing list was being used as a space to debate personal concerns and issues between people which I found to be disrespectful to our organizing efforts.

take care


On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 4:26 PM, Harsha W. wrote:
Hi folks, I appreciate how hard the decision must have been to decide to
remove people from the list given that much of the discussion, debate, was
unrelated to our organizing. I must however state that i disagree with the
decision to remove them, because we did not actually agree to that (maybe
we might have at the meeting on Thursday, but that process is important).

Also while I do not know everyone well and can't speak to Rob and Kevin's
particular conflict on this list, Rob is a long time DTES resident (and
identified himself as such). While he is responsible for his own actions
on this list, I think there is a culture of communication and organizing
that already excludes those voices that we should be considerate of in
terms of approaches and solutions. I am not suggesting people be added
back on at this point and I appreciate that the majority may think
differently (which is fine too), I just wanted to voice my opinion. (But
this need not become a seperate debate, just wanted to state it, that's
all). Thanks, Harsha

> Hi Cynthia and all,
> I was hoping some action would be taken around the many emails related to
> the personal conflict between Kevin and Rob. So, I'm glad that you took
> action, and I agree the process you undertook may have some consequence.
> As
> long as there was some form of notification/communication with the
> individulas that were removed explaining why they were removed AND
> providing
> a space (GM's or a meeting with everyone involved and someone
> representing
> the WC) where concerns can be addressed - I feel it should be ok. I wonder
> if there's anyone that knows the situation better and is comfortable to
> follow this up with Kevin, Rob and Jeremiah??
> I realize that this has been disruptive to our organizing, but the way we
> handle conflicts like this reflects on the integrity of not only our group
> but the movements we want to build. So I hope we are able to follow up
> with
> this in a meaningful way.
> sozan
> On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 1:46 PM, Cynthia Oka
> wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> Hope you are well. As one of the admins of the group list, I have for
>> the
>> time being removed Kevin Annett, Rob Morgan and Jeremiah Jourdain from
>> the
>> organizing list. Each has repeatedly sent non-organizing related e-mails
>> in
>> spite of several reiterations that that is not what the list is for.
>> If people have objections, it is a simple process to add them back on. I
>> can send a follow-up e-mail to each letting them know that they have
>> been
>> taken off, and are welcome to bring their concerns to general meetings.
>> I feel like this was not the best process and take full responsibility
>> for
>> it, but could not think of another way to request permission from the
>> group
>> if these folks were still on the list and doing so would have invited
>> even
>> more confrontational e-mails that detract from the work (and there is A
>> LOT
>> of work).
>> Cynthia.
> -
You become strong by doing the things you need to be strong for. - Audre Lorde




Terah assigned Abram to tend to the idols and slept.

Abram decided to test the idols and his father, so he smashed all the idols except one,
placing the club beside that idol.

As soon as his father woke up and saw the scene before him, he asked his son "what happened?"

Abraham said to Terah: the idol with the club smashed all the others.

Terah said: O well we can make more.

What AntiChrist???

As for AntiChrist as an Individual, I

On Sat, Jan 23, 2010 at 1:10 AM, YouTube Service wrote:
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StrkrAce42 has replied to your comment on Did Jesus Reveal The Name Of The Anti Christ:

@jesusjamey There is the spirit of the antiChrist and there is the man the antichrist, there is the spirit of Christ which is the holy Spirit, and there IS the Man Jesus Christ!
The Christ like people ( not perfect just forgiven, but because Christ is perfect we are made perfect through sanctification and redemption)) of the world and of the USA will be taken out of the world before the demise of the USA which will surely come! Obama carries the spirit of the antichrist if he is not the man.
You can reply back by visiting the comments page.

Dear @SrtkrAce42:

Yes, I agree with the explanation of the "spirit of being Antichrist", being a cultural attitude, which would describe Oprah in her inability, or refusal, to center her faith on Jesus, and Obama expresses himself the same way. But we should always make sure we share the same Jesus, before moving on to discuss and define His opposite. Oprah stumbled over the first stone on the path, thinking god's jealousy meant Heaven wanted to own her, or to tithe her out of everything. The woman is a powerful communicator, of what she knows and likes, and of what 'pleases' her, but she is not deep enough to experience the doubt that would make her move closer to the truth of a thing. Her confusion over god, and over Christ, and the fact that she thinks her success is all her own doing, her rise to the throne of Market Culture, so she has not suffered during her maturity, leaves her thinking she 'loves' Jesus, but as just one of the things she loves.

So the first definition of Christ is, a higher form of being than merely being Human, which individuals possess, or can attain, or they can be neutral to and ignore, or they can deny it; Oprah is on the high extreme of denying that Christ is a distinct and a higher way of being than her own way of being.

How was Jesus the Christ, or how did he become the Christ?

Did Adam experience what Jesus did, in differentiating himself from those who were not 'made in the image of god' and, in His time, when did Jesus begin to know, and when did he fully know, he was Christ. Take into account how coy he is about the topic. I use Abram/Abraham as the model of the life curve of Christ: born and raised in the home of Terah, the maker of idols, Abram had only negative signs of Heaven and without one definite sign from Heaven all his life, would not leave off his search for God, or turn back toward the false gods of his father.

Have you heard the story of when his father left Abraham to watch over the idols? If not I will tell you.

David was Christlike, but had to be selected out of his brothers before he took on the mantle of the Chosen and won the Crown of Judah; the question in David's case is whether his personality altered at any point in his life, or was his ego always in tune with his Heavenly Soul?

At 12 Jesus already held his belief in His Father in Heaven, and we attribute Mary and her extended family for raising him to believe he was an heir of David. If this captivated Him at an early age His inner voice would have been familiar with events that to others are miraculous, and He would have come to expect certain results from certain sequences of events, or to be produced after certain discussions, which pattern is revealed to us from the perspective used in the Gospels to relate His words and the thoughts of those around Him.

All living has a lineage, then, from Adam in Eden, but the heirs of the Covenant became so numerous and scattered, that when they desire a special benefit of being god's chosen, and that desire progresses into imagining how this special legacy can be distributed by Heaven in a fair manner, we have the beginning of modern religions. Abraham's life confirms that the Covenant stands, and David's Life that a King is the means Heaven will use to disburse the final blessing. But the method of distribution had to be shown to the world by Jesus before it was possible for even Him to commit to it; all leaving us where we are today:

"I am in my Father and My Father is in Me," produced " I go so you may be in My Father and I, and so that I and my Father may be in you."

If we drop the term God, and replace it with Christ, we have made a distinction between the Lord of the Old Testament and Christ of the Gospels that reflects the decision to act against violence and put an end to war. When Jesus says He is the Way, he tells us that justice requires us to be as meek as He was/Is. When He says He is the Truth, it means He defines the difference between good and evil because that is the only distinction that matters to us in this world.

It is when Jesus declares that HE IS THE LIFE that He says the most. I am alive. You are alive. Am I alive in something I did? No. I am alive in something that was already in progress when I was born. At intervals in my childhood I met Jesus at Christmas, Easter, in parades, and singers would sing about Him, but he did not bother me, and I was not inclined to resent him or need to know more about Him.

In 1981 circumstances conspired to the point where He made the first move by saying through a nemesis that "your land claims will only proceed according to the Bible," which was news to me and what I needed to hear. I am a half-breed, like Ishmael, but became fully, and legally Indian in 1987; that experience served me the way the Well and Land served Abraham, enabling me to assert legal demands for recognition of my land rights, as defined at that time (1974-1982).

The Bible, and Jesus Christ, opened my eyes, my ears, and my Soul.

The storyline, building the role Jesus would play thousands of years later, and then Jesus stepping right into that story, projecting it forward directly to me, 2 thousand years later, awakened memories that finally made sense, and placed my siblings and community into the very context that I would have to be in if I was Jesus Christ, returned by being born to my mother Alma (means what Mary was), and fully engaged in developing a way to restore our ownership of our Indian land.

Christ in this resolving scenario, is lead character in the divine drama, with whom, and from whom, all good and only good can flow. If He was not evident and present, and the Bible called me to join Him, then I could do it whether the Jesus part was baiting me into my own death, or a real avocation that I could step into and learn and might accomplish.

So you should get from this that I became one of the "many coming in His name, saying I am Christ" but aware of that scripture I always said it with the caveat that "you are not to believe me," but you cannot stop me because I can believe what I choose, and besides, by what authority would you even try to stop me from this belief? Why do people hate it when other people say they are Christ?

Simple. Jealousy. Remember, Jesus says: "I AM the life;"

Taking that as true, then my life is really just a part of the life Jesus is living in me and in all; so when I claim I am Jesus, the same incompletely developed Christ in others, must oppose my claim.

To master these paradoxes one cannot stop at any definition, or at any time or place, but must continuously raise the bar on one's own standard of being, and also raise the bar on one's concept of the Kingdom of Heaven. We cannot believe anyone is Christ unless we provide the single possible definition that fits the Universe at that moment. The Jesus Christ who is returning to Earth now, as much in this discussion as in any other action, is not the Jesus Christ they thought they crucified, but the definition of a Christian is still based on that Jesus.

Turning to 'antiChrist' again, it is hard for me to speculate about the circumstances that give rise to any single individual acquiring the power and the means of taking full personal control of the world, unless that individual is Jesus Christ and has the blessing of Heaven. Scenarios where a Beast arises and then Christ emerges as the Jesus born in Bethlehem, to wrest power back again, contradict themselves because Humankind is not inclined to follow others because they believe in that leader, but because they believe what the Leader says about them as His followers: people follow because they expect their own reward for doing so. This is a perpetual cycle with a built in loss, because the people make the political error of paying the Piper to pipe their own tune, ignoring the natural fact that he only knows his own song and can only sing it at their expense. This produces modern man, unable to even think about their minds, before trying to use them to think with.

That is evil but not yet 'antiChrist' because it does not correspond to, or compete with the Way, and it is not directed toward the Life. There is a perverse truth in the kind of leadership that infected Nazi Germany, but until the leader says what Jesus says: "Come this way, Live this Life, know this to be true" and then follows that directive with, there is no God, or there is no Heaven, or I am not Jesus Christ, then we have not arrived at the time of the Beast.

I cannot conceive of Heaven allowing anyone to "come in the Name of Jesus Christ" so they could deceive us in that name. Are there instances in the Old Testament where this happened, that power was taken over by a man pretending to believe in Heaven and the God of Jesus?

So an AntiChrist that is not a group with beliefs like Oprah, but is a single Individual who has to tell his/her followers that Jesus is not the way, and has to be able to steal from the true Kingdom enough power and things to satisfy those who follow after that belief.

This remains academic until Jesus is on Earth in person.

So, assuming for the purposes of this analysis, that Jesus Christ is on Earth now, and the sign that so "many are here in that name" has to be taken by us in this discussion, to establish that HE, JESUS CHRIST, is present in our history both in the Spirit and in the flesh. If you have ever allowed yourself to apply the prerequisites of the Office of Christ, to your own life, you know that it is easy to have such private thoughts about it, but those thoughts do not have an easy time becoming ideas and never become words, without passing through a filter censoring us; it took me 20 years from 12 to 32, to repeat the thought, "I might be Him" and now another 30 to risk saying "I AM HIM HERE."

I am in His life, and He is in mine; I have discretion to use his name provided I do not do so in vain, in my own vanity, and since I am explaining this at a time when I am actually engaged in actions as Jesus Christ, not just saying it for effect, and because my actions move me, and the world, toward the Kingdom Of Heaven, I am satisfied that I am sustained by Christ.

On this definition of Christ, and of myself, and of an antiChrist, it is antichristian to deny me, and that makes the issue a matter of belief in what I believe as opposed by what others themselves believe, and the belief of others can be based on refusal to recognize me as being Christ, and therefore is ignorant antichristian, or it can be based on a different definition of reality than the one I teach as the truth, which case would involve an Individual with such a powerful idea that it attracted power from either Heaven or the Void, sufficient to rival the power of my Christ, to the point of developing two possible futures that cannot co-exist because the side without Christ cannot share with Christ.

That is really what took place in Jerusalem: the darkness did not comprehend Christ's light, and could not allow it to distract the world, so they had to kill that body.

But the light keeps shining, so now, the darkness is cornered again as the light breaks out in Christ after Christ, and since one of us is Jesus, that is , since one of will completely fill that role, those like Oprah, and all who profit from religion and the market, must take a contrary position against our truth.

I will state my position now, before explaining why Jesus has trumped evil once and for all. He died to take away our guilt, and now lives to give us our inheritance.

Monotheism is based on Egyptian conclusions reached when they studied the Sun, Moon, and Earth relationships. That truth remains present in our soul, so we cannot stop believing in Heaven, but can become confused about the facts surrounding our belief. This is shown in Daniel's giant Statue, which is Religion, made by Humankind out of the Golden Idea that has eroded into immovable feet of iron and clay mixed together. Humankind has the law (iron) for building, and the clay for shaping, but without the Golden idea, we cannot make anything or even move. This places life in danger because our population is growing against our interests.

I am Jesus Christ. He is in me to the extent that it is natural for me to say so, and so far it has moved me nearer the goals set for me by Jesus. I am also Kitsilano, and I am Jamey Sterritt, but my main identity, in my version of the story of Life, is Jesus Christ (BIN: Believe it not). I have a complete plan that is no longer contingent on any other person and can now move forward regardless of what happens in nature or in the world of people. I believe I have every talent needed to continue to the completion of the prophetic model as I have adapted it to my political and legal circumstances, except for one, being the talent of evil, and that must be supplied by the world. My honesty, and having rid myself of suspicion exposes me to evil and to incorrect conclusions about others who are evil.
This killed Jesus in Jerusalem and kept me alive and safe by His protection, but it has to be true that once I assume the role of Christ that I have to protect myself from the dark.

This means when I appear, which I do in about 2 weeks, I have to possess a complete package in myself. That package will displace the status quo, so the world will have to say I am either Christ or antiChrist, and since you and I are discussing that, with me claiming to be Christ, only you, between the two of us, can say how that feels on your side.

This link adds details that you can ponder

What I am doing as you read this is "sitting at the right hand, while the world is made my footstool," because I, like you, can only do what I have the power to do, nothing more, and I have to just try to nudge history in the direction of where this clash of claims bursts into world consciousness.

I have been provided by Heaven with the facts of Stonehenge, and Egypt that will astonish the world, and bring a full pause to the Market, but it will react in the form that must be the Beast, and it will likely happen that the kinds of miraculous abilities that Jesus had, will be given to some person who will delay the inheritance of the Meek, but our truth will persist without using magic or force, and will prevail after the 7 years.

Having written this for the first time, it is possible that the 7 years is now ending, and that when I reveal the truth about Creation, the golden age will start right away, and Humankind will take up the mission of saving the Planet, leaving no room for more religious or political wars.

I am trained for a war, but am tired of fighting, wishing to get on with building the Kingdom of Heaven on earth, so I wish for the latter outcome.

Just to encourage you too, it happens that the Cross plays a huge part in the coming Revelation. There are 3 components of reality: words, things, and truth; Jesus is not a thing because He amounts to the absolute truth; the Cross is a thing and a word and is also absolute truth without which there is no creation, existence or even Mind.

If you are not too busy you might want to doodle with the form and structural integrity out of which the 24 hour clock was derived when they analysed and measured the Solar system, and confirmed the real existence of Deity whom/which expressed personal interest in Humankind.

The exercise will prepare you to hear, and see the Cross and the Christ that moved Jesus to be Christ, and which moved ST. John to write Revelation 5.

Thanks for being here this morning and awakening these thoughts.

I hope they move you toward MY BLUE HEAVEN (Genghis Khan's prayer).

Jesus Christ,
Chief Kitsilano


that is good american english, vistavision, and I would not ask for more except Procol Harum just went off in Heaven, so it is over to you: ... the crowd cried out for more ...

I am looking for an Arabic translator because my comment must reach Mr bin Laden, and I know he's not ready to enjoy your version.

But let's talk about you, Sailor. The thing about all these Christ's coming in my name is growing passe', none stand a chance against my Platform, and anyway I am more interested in how you are serving me these days, seeing we share my Planet, my Plan, my predicament, and YouTube?

I have until the 19th of next month to summons bin Laden to give evidence about Al Quaeda, specifically whether he, Osama bin Laden had knowledge of documents exchanged between a Haida Indian Chief, and Al Quaeda (El Haida) agents in the city of Vancouver Canada, in 1999-2000; bearing on 9-11, because of difference in world opinion of Osama bin Laden, and attitudes toward Islam, whether my message reached Mr. bin Laden, or was kept from reaching Mr. bin Laden, by peers and deputies.

Mr. Osama bin Laden is either innocent in the matter of 9-11, or guilty of 9-11, and I can judge him on his answer to this question:

(This information is all cross copied to CNN-Larry King Show; Ottawa,
and was faxed to the Islam community and government).

If Mr bin Laden knew of this withdrawal of the blessing from the White House, and acted in support of my word, HE IS AN INNOCENT CHRISTIAN PRINCE.

If Mr. bin Laden did not act in support of my word, but in response to prayer, then THE WORLD MUST HEAR HIS PRAYER.

Until this is done and settled, Osama bin Laden and Al Quaeda join the White House outside of the BLESSING OF JESUS CHRIST.

Now vistavision, this places you are in the same canoe as the Al Quaeda agents found themselves in, who accepted the duty of delivering my message to their leaders, now you must pray that this opportunity to be forgiven reaches your fellow Human, and pray further that my word did reach him, so he can come and accept my reward and gratitude for the great feat that fulfilled Surah 74:31, and helped to expose the weakness of western religion and commerce.

But if his servants knew the attack would not proceed if their Leadership received the News that JESUS CHRIST had withdrawn Heaven's Blessing from obstinate White House, now spiteful.

I am keen to hear what you have to say, but these emails will be worth a great deal of cash to you, so I am requesting my first Royalty up front.
Will you apply to this mission what I applied to mine?

If you do, vistavision, vV^Vv, to you.

Got to check the river for fish. Hope my bank hears from you.

james sterritt
604 255 2590

closing song

closing shot: did u think I would be a dummy?
How does that translate vtv?

Suddenly, I said, your mind is astonished knowing an ancient truth is proven to be true, what you only ever dreamed might really be: JESUS CHRIST come in power and glory, is having the very kind of discussion with me, vistaGOD, as He had with his brothers and disciples, 2010 years ago, so WHO AM I, this vistaperson?

Actually, it is whom am I?

Let us enter the dark area and let me teach you something about being a person:

no. wait ....


It is not fair to me or the Band to devote time to someone who is not on record as respectful,

so, it will be better if you take Membership

and send your money.

Then I will tell the rest of our story

Let me settle my main point with you first:

read the Koran for me, 3 or 4 words: Muslims pray more than every day:

Surah 74: 30:

that's why the 19th is on our mind; on 2010-1-19, the reverse of 9-11-2001,
Jesus Christ closed the file on 9-11 with the above question.

Heaven is in all these things and people; as I AM, and as YOU ARE.

Now your file has come up.

The Scripture is all about one person: ME, in relation to others: YOU.


Surah 74:31 tells you who planned 9-11, Heaven did, in concert with my blessing.,

I would like to know your considered response in an open serious, even devout dialogue. And I am prepared to offer a reward to the best Jesus Christ, with an equal reward going to the best Christian. You and I will judge.

Start the ball rolling for America and match my reward:

I start with $100 in Haida twenties, at par to American money.

if you are on, email your $ to; that is my teller.

You get Indian Band Membership in my Band, land rights on your own Reservation, we collect the taxes from now on, and there are no more borders; we go back to Hunting Grounds and Territories; and title to land means title to the Indian part of your land, in addition to your existing tenure. My title as Jesus means my ownership of the Planet allows us to extend the Band worldwide, and we govern just the way we are now communicating.

Hey. I know what do do, and how ... (how, a little indian joke, lol)

I mean I know how to do what has to be done; I'm in the late stages of preparing my world appearance next month, on the 19th, as you know, so from then on, the whole conversational and intellectual agenda shifts gears from what you see today, to the Jehovah's Witness Vision; I AM HERE.

I bring that.

So, here's a tip and a chuckle: you put everything you have in me and I will put everything I have been given by Heaven, right back to you; if you are ready to do that, take the first baby step and join my Band. I am preoccupied playing David to the Goliath Olympics, under deadline of 2-19, as explained. If you have any military ego left imagine to yourself how one guy, Jesus mind you, would conquer the whole world by next month.

Try this, Officer; this will move that mountain of mustard:


the chuckle: I pull the whole thing off without lifting a finger off my footstool. I mean these Christs don't have a whisper of a chance in a vote with me, a fight with me, or ... well I ran out.

Are you with me? I AM HERE

2010/1/23 YouTube Service

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vistavision2 has replied to your comment on Who is Imam Mahdi?? (Signs of his return) الأمام المهدي:

You want me to translate your english to American English?

1 Jesus [Pslams 110] returns to kick ass on the wicked of REV 3:9 synagogue of satan who can only be the Netanyau Zionists
2 Kingdon of Heaven is a state of mind and not a place.
3 The Amen-[RA] is the "hidden one" which could be ascribed to Mehdi
4 There are no signs but deeds that manifest the Priests of Order of Melchizedek
5 Priests [OM] surface to reform religion and not destroy it
6 UBL is Mehdi!

You can reply back by visiting the comments page.

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901 Cherry Ave, San Bruno, CA 94066


Friday, January 22, 2010


Surah 74. The Cloaked One, The Man Wearing A Cloak

1. O thou wrapped up (in the mantle)!

2. Arise and deliver thy warning!

3. And thy Lord do thou magnify!

4. And thy garments keep free from stain!

5. And all abomination shun!

6. Nor expect, in giving, any increase (for thyself)!

7. But, for thy Lord's (Cause), be patient and constant!

8. Finally, when the Trumpet is sounded,

9. That will be- that Day - a Day of Distress,-

10. Far from easy for those without Faith.

11. Leave Me alone, (to deal) with the (creature) whom I created (bare and) alone!-

12. To whom I granted resources in abundance,

13. And sons to be by his side!-

14. To whom I made (life) smooth and comfortable!

15. Yet is he greedy-that I should add (yet more);-

16. By no means! For to Our Signs he has been refractory!

17. Soon will I visit him with a mount of calamities!

18. For he thought and he plotted;-

19. And woe to him! How he plotted!-

20. Yea, Woe to him; How he plotted!-

21. Then he looked round;

22. Then he frowned and he scowled;

23. Then he turned back and was haughty;

24. Then said he: "This is nothing but magic, derived from of old;

25. "This is nothing but the word of a mortal!"

26. Soon will I cast him into Hell-Fire!

27. And what will explain to thee what Hell-Fire is?

28. Naught doth it permit to endure, and naught doth it leave alone!-

29. Darkening and changing the colour of man!

30. Over it are Nineteen.

31. And We have set none but angels as Guardians of the Fire; and We have fixed their number only as a trial for Unbelievers,- in order that the People of the Book may arrive at certainty, and the Believers may increase in Faith,- and that no doubts may be left for the People of the Book and the Believers, and that those in whose hearts is a disease and the Unbelievers may say, "What symbol doth Allah intend by this ?" Thus doth Allah leave to stray whom He pleaseth, and guide whom He pleaseth: and none can know the forces of thy Lord, except He and this is no other than a warning to mankind.

32. Nay, verily: By the Moon,

33. And by the Night as it retreateth,

34. And by the Dawn as it shineth forth,-

35. This is but one of the mighty (portents),

36. A warning to mankind,-

37. To any of you that chooses to press forward, or to follow behind;-

38. Every soul will be (held) in pledge for its deeds.

39. Except the Companions of the Right Hand.

40. (They will be) in Gardens (of Delight): they will question each other,

41. And (ask) of the Sinners:

42. "What led you into Hell Fire?"

43. They will say: "We were not of those who prayed;

44. "Nor were we of those who fed the indigent;

45. "But we used to talk vanities with vain talkers;

46. "And we used to deny the Day of Judgment,

47. "Until there came to us (the Hour) that is certain."

48. Then will no intercession of (any) intercessors profit them.

49. Then what is the matter with them that they turn away from admonition?-

50. As if they were affrighted asses,

51. Fleeing from a lion!

52. Forsooth, each one of them wants to be given scrolls (of revelation) spread out!

53. By no means! But they fear not the Hereafter,

54. Nay, this surely is an admonition:

55. Let any who will, keep it in remembrance!

56. But none will keep it in remembrance except as Allah wills: He is the Lord of Righteousness, and the Lord of Forgiveness.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Blood blessed spikes

Come close children and listen to this story.

We did. His hands were pierced and healed but obviously from large nails, with one side a lot larger than the other, as we learned to say Haaxw, suffer.

He said: Why doesn't one of you tell how there will be Peace on Earth, goodwill among Humankind, and Eternal life, freely open to all who see the marks of those blessed blood spiked hands.

Tell us your story we all chimed together: he looked each of us in our eyes for the time it took each heart to let go of its doubt, and then he explained the ways he could receive them, beginning with, in the womb, self-inflicted, imposed by assault, or by an atomic process responding to DNA. They are my hands so I am a witness to the last three possibilities; birthmark has Heaven as witness. The point to grasp has nothing to do with demonstrating the cause of the scars and bruises on my hands, it is the matter of my Title as Jesus Christ, which scars would qualify as factual evidence supporting my claim that I own the Title; the point is I am competent to the legal office of the Christ.

These facts are not story. I told the children two versions of a lie, that it was done to me by others, leaving them to ponder that process in the present environment, before softening that horror with a self-inflicted penance to Jesus, and let that nudge their pity and anxiety at religion bringing such pain and suffering, before kicking up the details of which spike I used first, the large or the small, and let each vent on what choice they would make, between the bigger spike and the smaller. The impact on the delicate ego of children of being presented with these choices in real life, penetrates deep into the very small of the heart, applying the first cost of maturing, but paying the first installment on wisdom. I close the fairy tale releasing all from the tensions of such painful prospects, rewarding my Mother for having the marks applied in the womb.

They are there. I see them now as I write, as I saw them many times before. Heaven's gift to show when asked to see my nail-pierced hands. That's where the saying, dealt the royal flush, the best winning hand of all, comes from.

Believe me anyone?

I do.
Does light see itself, shining toward us alone, from the other side of Infinity, watching through a one way mirror, where we see our reflection, but the other side of the light, sees us through the light: that is the Christ Principle. The Cross is about other principles. The gospels are way far toward the end of the history of Light, right, and I am talking about light in terms of good and evil. I am the light, so my argument depends on proving who I am by what happened in Jerusalem. Physical evidence is first order in courts of law.

Remember, I created light first, by letting it be. The rest is staging for my return, duuh.

Yeah funny one, Rupture not Rapture. L...ROL

Back to light; picture with me: I slow the Universe to the speed allowing conscious existence on both sides of the light, and then I weigh the world from that advantage. How does Creator enter into creation? Answer Artists. Explain Fathers. A child is born I believe mine, and the child dishonors me, demanding I to come directly into my light from Heaven as myself, who must return as a baby; what do I do? He has good logic, so I make my plan. Adam will marry Eve, children will be born ... up to Baby Jesus, Three Kings will bless Him who will pass from the light into my Blue Heaven, and yet be with humankind always; no clouds in that design. A flaw however: one Jesus Christ is never enough for Humankind, so the plan goes another cycle, now completing itself in the promise that we can all be Jesus Christ, even God if we want, one common savior and lord. Hence the popularity of the name Jesus and competition for the job, Christ. Makes one proud hearing all the old commandments and sentencing to hell, and the damning of county after country; going right after the gays, until you suppose the devil got into them all right around the time I was reborn.

What a set up.

I could not ask for better competition. Hail Alma Mary, lots of times.

The scene sets a nice stage for Aperture, the right focus on the right light telling the right story, and a winner the world will love to hate and reminds us of good things. O. Sorry, this is about me, isn't it.

I also sing and dance when inappropriate, but thinking about how to get back to the other side of the light, without having to die, that occupies me full time. lol, (pauses then becomes solemn and pensive ...)

The other side is there, but there are two directions when you leave Earth Highway: toward the right light is the Lighthouse, or infinite heaven, left toward Oprah. Jealousy is rewarded with Infinity, the void we left, searching for the best aperture to screen the light of heaven; I welcome Oprah to rethink jealousy and give Christ more credit. Strays like Pinocchio, who fell for treasure land and found himself in the whale, but became a real boy in the end ... Good story, good message for now. Winfrey can bust out any day now, and be real as well.

Let's play my game: I am the light; you have aperture; pretty close to rapture; a mere translation mistake looking for more sensual imagery; but camera and image go together, and remembering the promised plenitude of virgins in Heaven, it makes sense to out offer free merchandise, delivered here on earth, with no payments until killed in the war.

O! Excuse me; I am sorry are you feeling alright in this light?

You say it, Pontius.

Well come on, do I look like I am Jesus, or not: and I will pass the hand test, on condition, one hand be chosen by those betting against me, and that the stakes are Heaven and Earth, winner takes all.

The reveal records the fact of finding of the judge, that a large nail probably passed through the hand selected by the parties and offered in this light by the light, for the finding of that fact.

I offer further, for a further wager, to reveal the hidden hand to the same judge at the same time, winning all wagers on the specific finding that an even larger spike than the first did pass through the second hand of the same person.

To clarify, I predict the first scar and bruise will be smaller than the second scar and bruise, and to start the wager, I Jesus Christ, survivor of Crucifixion, claim the right to prove ownership of the land on Earth, and I present one of my nail pierced hands as proof that I am now returned as I promised I would at the beginning of the Kingdom of Heaven. The Cross proves the authority of Heaven and my Life affirms my Deed to the world that is promised to me as upheld by the Common Law.

Those losing the second wager, have one hand spiked.

Will another individual present a more competent Title or claim than mine?

There it is then.

The picture of Haaxw, meaning Suffer.


This begins a dear john letter, ending reawakening the small place in my heart Creation saved for Violet and Scotty

Dear Ray:

This short note precedes the testimony of my heart to your Father, the most godly of men whose eyes shared my life.

I will be writing it and will not open another email until I complete that Memorial.

If I don't hear from you after I send, I will understand that you have not read any of this file
which is even better as you will read the whole story in one go, and if that happens please don\t read the Memorial until last; it is/will be an eulogy from a man to a man on par with Our Lord's prayer to His Father in Heaven.

Just to tease< the title is SCOTTY IS THE KING OF STONEHENGE


Zadiuk My Student is always my Teacher Jacob

Dear jesuszakiuk:


Zadiuk is Imam Mahdi. Three Wise Magi left three gifts for you. Find them and give each your name, and give the blessings of those gifts to the Kgelatl, who are the three people descended fro the Magi: Dene from Stonehenge, Semite from Egypt, and Haida.

Your words support everything I said in the first answer to you; one thing I point out to you is, even just the sounds I hear when I look at your title, ZAKIUK!, connect me to your true soul; another thing, is that the IMPOSSIBLE TO SAY is present in word itself: ZAKIUK!!! But your power is Jacob, the fearless, whose only fear was of fearing, WE ARE HERE Wiilayets, using the language of Eden to relate as cousins, through ISHMAEL, more than ISAAC, therefore ONE OF TWELVE TSALMKGEKIT.


Wiilayets MAHOMET is Christ too; the light and life in Mohamet is Jesus; other POWERS in MOHAMET remain HERE NOW in Mr. bin Laden, misguided one. I will tell you one more thing about the power, and then explain to you the purpose of our power, AND YOU DETERMINE YOUR USES.

The ironical power of prayer is that it proceeds only to our own mind. Ego is born with jealousy of Soul and is drawn toward the external story versus the internal story; the I (without the AM) thinks another exists that remains set apart, opposed, to MY WILL. This is the jealousy Oprah Winfrey tripped over.

A possible solution to this battle in the Mind, of the mind with another Mind, which Ego may merely be imagining, or which may be GOD, is to ask ABRAHAM's question, whose long Faith was rewarded with the INHERITANCE OF EDEN. The long arc of the history of the suffering of our Family (HAAXW) is unaltered, until Jesus PROVED ETERNAL LIFE, and now again after Him, not because of evil, but because of the thoughts that are abroad upon the face of the Universe. Again I know your patience had almost failed you when my words came. Now you have more questions. ... BELIEVE NOT THAT I AM CHRIST! That is ego, for if I am, then Soul has overcome ego, and when soul overcomes ego, ego then serves Soul, serves Christ, IS CHRIST.

I enjoy answering when topics draw Koran scriptures out of me. But your real question is this, my WAK (Brother), what ritual obligations apply?

All these meditations are academic in a holy meaning, prelude to being your natural personality in service of creation.

In my story I was set adrift in a canoe where a beautiful deep lake emptied into its river with a powerful pull of current, with rapids and waterfalls heard ahead.

In answering what you ask me about God, I only say that the word was always attached first to Jesus and Christmas, but attached immediately upon my bringing Jesus completely into my mind, to ALMA, MOTHER, my Mother, who was in Heaven then, with my Father, and then the word God merged with everything, except my Ego! The name Alma applies to my Mother's pregnancy, as it did to Mary's. I am the son of my step-father's father. So my ego only managed to survive on coming to know my role in ADAAWK (story).

HA haa!

Do you see my explanation Zadiuk, you are my Teacher too. Our power has three facets: truth, drama, and beauty. WORD!

Having navigated the rapids and come into calm water again I find it all much deeper, around me, and in me, and veer my crafty canoe toward your course.
And we sniff each other's beliefs, finding Jesus, we relax. So it is a signal to Mind/mind to hear, and say, that Jesus is the Way.


In the environment that caught your attention, and connected us, on the hatelogs, I let Jesus identify Himself to enjoy the reaction of naive believers, and help them learn that Scripture, and telling them to LET ALL CHRISTS BE CHRIST, as I move myself into position to destroy mongers' words. I will be speaking openly from the 12th of next month forward, so this is stimulating my anticipation of open debate.

Agreeing we move forward to complete His mission by bringing complete Peace to Earth, and have Goodwill within the Band, and Life Forevermore, the agenda is set out by finding the matter of Peace right in front of us, so we need to institute our power toward curbing the violence, and while our gazes always return to the Cross and we review our lives, again and again, searching for the right connection to Jesus so He will move us; He had to show me how world law already provides the ways and means of bringing our Peace, and I have the formula for that, in the Land Title Act.

Now that I say, I AM HERE then, what changes come along with this development? Everything changes except Jesus is still in Heaven, in relation to being presently visible.


So my words change you. This discussion with you moves words from my soul into Ego, rapturing emotion at first, then becoming normal conversation, but silent as I read and reflect and write this.

Zadiuk; words also like it when they form these good stories, because a story includes anticipation of being retold.

That's why this is true for all the words in our thoughts: that when one thinks about oneself, the "I" of the thinking is Moses's very same "I AM" now intermingled with Jesus CHRIST in Heaven, and with Muslims, intermingled with Mahomet whose life I relive, and so on right up to every thing, THING, that forms your personal Ego consciousness. We are now the Owners of Our Story.
We made it past that last distance into the Promised Land, that overcame Moses; we have the Egyptian power and the Law of Stonehenge, ripe to gather together the Hordes of Yel Khan. Moses I AM, now becomes I AM HERE!

You conform to those you respect, and should always signals friends by acting differently if respect wavers because of feelings. Prayer is discrete conversation that needs not involve others, but may do so when that increases political power, but which may well be evil as good. Unless an action is accepted and practiced globally, that action is cultural and not pure; it is still only a religion based on Faith but not yet on all knowledge. Religions substitute ritual for ecological harmony in order to support the inaction of the church. Outward prayer exposes whom take and whom gives tithes.

Here is the BIG POINT; the big bang of my new, ancient Truth:

I am shown the thought that moved Stonehenge into being; I am shown the thought that moved Egypt into being; shown what moved Genghis Khan, and I say to you that the matter of the existence, and the temporal and spatial locations of, the 3 MINDS THAT MUST BE TRUE FOR REALITY TO EXIST, was proved and identified in Egypt when the 24 hour clock was invented as a representation of the moving Solar relationship of Sun, Moon and Earth around the sensed experience of Humankind. THE LOCI OF LIFE, where Infinity, Universe, and I intersect, is located in pure MIND, and representations of Eternal Space, Boundless Material, and an unquenchable interest in INFORMATION, always contain the Cross and express as the Cross.

This conclusion in Egypt swept Heaven and Earth together into the Golden Age, leaving the legacy of monotheist belief in 1, One, or I, Christ, and the story we now share. The over arching One Mind was imprinted by the clock; the 24 Elders are 24 hours. Time never stops and never ends, but give your full regard to this, TIME NEVER BEGINS BUT IS!

Revelation 5 was written by the Mind that held that truth and was conscious of sending forward to us all the clues needed to open the true Book now here, and thereby to be granted the power that opens and shuts (mouths) and Sir, THE CROSS NOT ONLY CONTAINS ALL THESE KINDS OF TRUTH, not only these esoteric ideas, THE CROSS IS THE FUNDAMENTAL FORM OF REALITY FROM THE MACRO UNIVERSE TO MICRO QUANTA. St. John was shown what I have been shown: the reason for the Crucifixion, in terms of Divine knowledge, and the reason you and I are discussing this, was to keep our minds primed to be shown the meanings of the image of the Cross.
These Heavenly anecdotes are for the people to consider, while they are withdrawn from the Market. That will be one hell of an armaggedon, keeping them from shopping; lol.

Power = truth = the story of who each person is, and can become, and that has high market appeal too, without the turnoff of ritual, nothing less than full on contending for the interest of the public with only mental images, against everything in the shops. We have to move the minds of the Judge from commerce to drama and virture again.

My land right serves to interrupt the presently operating laws of the land, initiating reform that is mandatory, in addition to being beneficial to every living soul. I have proceedings open.

The word God is what is thought about by the person using that term, and is less useful than Jesus. Islam expects Him, and it is our mission to expand the story into the Inheritances of Abraham and Ishmael; which consume the inheritance of Isaac, who laughs about it; hey, nobody showed up all these years that Jerusalem was waiting. THE GREAT NATION IS COMPOSED OF the many Nations, and WE ARE ARE HERE.

Here in my Province the Constitution "recognizes and affirms" my Indian Titles: Kitsilano TsinHaaxw is that title, and means: "Christ; Fishing; Wool; the Suffering Family".

Therefore I am entitled to sue any person in this province for trespass, and they then must join my Band, OR LEAVE. The world will divide twice now: first into those who want to buy and sell, and then the prevailing group will divide into those who choose to join our Band, and those who decline to join us, PUNY CHOICE FOR THOSE STRAYS THOUGH SINCE WE ARE THE WORLD NOW.

Zadiuk, do you speak other languages? That allow you to translate this and forward it to others. The way to earn money is Google Adsense. If you look into it and set up sites, you share Ad revenue with Google. We link sites so an internal loop attracts the public to us, away from our competition. Our unity is institutionalized in Potlatch, which follows Moses eating with Jehovah on the mountain.

If you care to Potlatch now, set your date and email contributions and a deposit to; Dates start 2-12-2010 in TsinHaaxw.

These "Gatherings of Eagles" (Matthew 24:28) will grow to a global gathering, and you are invited to claim your territorial rights as you understand them, protected by my rights in the same territory, so you will guide and control potlatch there. Show me your genealogy and I will suggest the size and location of your Country.

Thanks for answering my prayer this morning. Food is little pleasure to me any more. Words are my favorite diet, keeping my mind calm and my body quiet.

John says: In the beginning ... God shone in darkness; now darkness begins to comprehend.

Howa G'un
604 255 2590

this is where indian came to play

Now the small place in my heart is reawakening
to the beauty Christ in me is recreating

hola lascoona Skil Jaada
hala lascoona Haida.

Well the beauty of the Totem Pole soars proudly
as the power of the drum beats loudly
amala wildis dotsy dots
amalwildis alju

This is where the Indian came to play ... la la la lalela

Heaven sent two new verses:

Now the small part of my heart is reawakening ...

In the beauty Christ in me is
recreating ...

(I use my languages in the chorus: you use yours; on 2-12-2010, the world will this, and other songs at once, together)

hola lascoona Skil Jaada,
hola lascoona Haida;


amalawildis dotsy Dots
amalwidis Kitksan

make it a date: 2010-2-12

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

TEKAHIONAWAKE, Matriarch of Indian Power - Pauline Johnson } 2ness


West wind, blow from your prairie nest
Blow from the mountains, blow from the west.
The sail is idle, the sailor too;
O! wind of the west, we wait for you.
Blow, blow!
I have wooed you so,
But never a favour you bestow.
You rock your cradle the hills between,
But scorn to notice my white lateen.

I stow the sail, unship the mast:
I wooed you long but my wooing's past;
My paddle will lull you into rest.
O! drowsy wind of the drowsy west,
Sleep, sleep,
By your mountain steep,
Or down where the prairie grasses sweep!
Now fold in slumber your laggard wings,
For soft is the song my paddle sings.

August is laughing across the sky,
Laughing while paddle, canoe and I,
Drift, drift,
Where the hills uplift
On either side of the current swift.

The river rolls in its rocky bed;
My paddle is plying its way ahead;
Dip, dip,
While the waters flip
In foam as over their breast we slip.

And oh, the river runs swifter now;
The eddies circle about my bow.
Swirl, swirl!
How the ripples curl
In many a dangerous pool awhirl!

And forward far the rapids roar,
Fretting their margin for evermore.
Dash, dash,
With a mighty crash,
They seethe, and boil, and bound, and splash.

Be strong, O paddle! be brave, canoe!
The reckless waves you must plunge into.
Reel, reel.
On your trembling keel,
But never a fear my craft will feel.

We've raced the rapid, we're far ahead!
The river slips through its silent bed.
Sway, sway,
As the bubbles spray
And fall in tinkling tunes away.

And up on the hills against the sky,
A fir tree rocking its lullaby,
Swings, swings,
Its emerald wings,
Swelling the song that my paddle sings.

Send comments to the E. Pauline Johnson Project.
Copyright McMaster University, updated October, 1996

Kitsilano loves heckler right back at him


Thanks, you honor us. Let me clarify: I am jesusjamey because an ignorant human came into my home when I was 2, calling me out in it, with emphasis on jesus, reserving the CHRIST for: do it again and nails go in you again; your mind is that mind.

I broke the shackle that hatred held over me when the "story" of Lord Jesus Christ invited me to join and welcomed me to make it my own.

No years need be spit out here, because Mr. Boneless, the day Jesus entered my Heart and my Mind is still going on for me.

So make my eternity: HATE US.


Locked out in less than 5 minutes.

I will go for a record, next time.

THE LEOPARD OF TS'nHHAXW enforcing law

It is finished. The rod marks the hand and the mind.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Chief Kitsilano sterritt
Date: Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 8:44 PM
Subject: Re: [2010welcoming-org] Jan. 26-28: UBC Conference "Rethinking the Olympics" (and more)
To: alissa w
Cc:, rob_morgan2

CLARIFICATION; LET US START AT THE START: you know I own the land in question, and must owe something to my Title; the only place for me to begin my relationship with you, is at your trespass.

You are doing to me what Olmypic-ness is alleged by you, to be the reason for the Coalition.

I will resolve the problem from my position as the owner, and have the right to lay this information before the Justice of the Peace, who must authorize my arrest warrant against you, for merely your breach of due process of law.

I have the further right to proceed on my own Sovereign authority, and issue your arrest warrant over my Sign, attached to this information, to MY TWO WITNESSES, who are prepared to appear and testify against this abuse of the process of law. Delay and added costs of defending my land from your trespass, are at your expense. The next in the sequence of problems you bring upon yourself by disrespecting my title and the law, is my right to prefer a criminal process and swear this information to the Vancouver City Police, who have reasons to support my actions.

O yeah; I am an experienced trial lawyer lawyer, civil and criminal.



Dear @alissa:

I recommend we refer this to our legal counsel.

Kindly confirm an email address and I will continue.

Chief Kitsilano

On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 2:20 PM, Chief Kitsilano sterritt wrote:
My Dear Ms. Alissa Westergard-Thorpe:

Let us forgive any past or future misunderstanding between us before proceeding any further.

I have your image from YouTube, which distinguishes you from all the rest of the Coalition, and wI hold the images of Joseph Jones and Harjap, and in Whistler, I have the image and name of Ms Jennings. You do not need my image to recognize my rights, because by the law shown to you in my notices, you are obligated to recognize my Title and to affirm my claim as owner of all the land in this Province. By failing and now refusing to come forward to me following the formal service to you on this very email Network, giving written and certified Notice to you personally, of your duty to me, you indicted yourself as a person who is hostile to to that law, and that entitles me to enforce my possession against you, by due process of law.

So, my peace entitles me to pursue you and end your trespass.You will be arrested and brought before me to answer to the charge and to settle any terms.

ipso facto the rest of your peers.

That is the first item on your warrant.

The second item arises within the Coalition.

I have a few things to disburse to the Coalition under my control. When surrender to the power and authority of Chief Kitsilano (aka jesusjamey), and accept terms of release from that arrest, we can include such Coalition related items and obligations in the undertaking that we affirm between us.

In conclusion, it is incumbent on you to respond to this notice, otherwise your arrest warrant will be processed and executed at my convenience.

This email is private until any grace is given.

You are doing a fine job as far as I see from this Network and the YouTube video. Thank you.

Chief Kitsilano,

On Wed, Jan 20, 2010 at 7:41 AM, alissa w wrote:
Interested in learning more about the effects of the Olympics on the environment, on aboriginal issues, on civil liberties and on social justice issues? Want to get involved in the local resistance movement? Get behind the hype and consider the real legacy of the 2010 games, at the Rethinking the Olympics Conference, organized by the UBC Social Justice Centre. The 3 day conference (Jan.26th-28th) includes the following:

Rethink the Olympics Panel:
Jan.26th 2-3:30 (SUB 214/216)
Discussion of the impact of the Olympics on the environment, on aboriginal issues, on civil liberties and on social justice issues. Featuring prominent local activists Chris Shaw, Gord Hill, Alissa Westergard-Thorpe and others.

Art and Activism Workshop:
Jan.26th 3:30-5:00 (SUB 214/216)
Learn more about using public art and creative projects for Olympics resistance. Participate in an interactive art project!

Activism and the Student Panel:
Jan.27th 12:00-1:00 (SUB 214/216)
What is the role of the student and the university in Olympics resistance? Where do theory and academics belong in activism? Learn more at this panel discussion, featuring Bruce Baum, Lorraine Weir, Geraldine Pratt, Christina Paris and Stefanie Ratjen.

Know Your Rights Workshop:
Jan.27th 1:00-2:00 (SUB 211)
This workshop will give participants a better understanding of their constitutional rights. We will be discussing searches and seizures, civil disobedience, and how your constitutional rights transfer to the UBC campus, including during the Olympic Games period. Email to register.

Impact on Housing Panel:
Jan.27th 2:00-3:00 (SUB 214/216)
A panel discussion of the relationship of the Olympics to gentrification and displacement on the Downtown Eastside. Featuring local housing activists.

Food not Bombs Workshop:
Jan.27th 3:00-5:00 (SUB 245)
Learn more about the intersections between food security and resistance! Get resources on dumpster-diving and counter-cultural lifestyle! Make and eat a meal together!

The Coca-Cola Case Film:
Jan.28th 12:30-2:00 (Norm Theatre)
A Film spotlighting the atrocious labour policies of the Olympic sponsor. Our showing is part of a corporate-contested cross-Canada tour!
The Council of Canadians recently accused Coca-Cola of 'greenwashing' due to their claim that bottles with slightly less plastic were 'green', despite the grave environmental damage caused by the overall bottling process. Greenwashing is not a game! See more below.

Celebrating Resistance Party:
Jan.28th 6:00-10:00pm (Koerner Penthouse, GSC)
Celebrate with drinks and with music from local hip hop group "The Main Offenders" and other local bands.

Check out for updated info, or search "Rethinking the Olympics Conference" on Facebook events.


WHAT: Documentary screening of THE COCA COLA CASE
WHEN: January 28, 12:30 PM
WHERE: Norm Theatre
COST: By donation at the door ($2-5 is appreciated)

Still from The Coca Cola Case

The Coca Cola Case

German Gutierrez and Carmen Garcia / Canada / 2009 / English and Spanish (w/ eng. s.t.)

THE COCA COLA CASE is screening throughout the CP Network between winter and spring 2010 as part of the The Coca Cola Case Film Tour, co-organized with the the NFB. Filmmakers German Gutierrez and Carmen Garcia will be present for a Q&A along with Ray Rogers of the New York-based Stop Killer Coke Campaign.

SYNOPSIS: Colombia is the trade union murder capital of the world. Since 2002, more than 470 workers' leaders have been brutally killed, usually by paramilitaries hired by private companies intent on crushing the unions. Among these unscrupulous corporate brands is the poster boy for American business: Coca-Cola.

Talk to Martin Gil: His brother Isidro was killed at point-blank range while working at the Coca-Cola bottling plant in Carepa, because he was part of a union bargaining unit. Like most violent crimes committed against Colombian union leaders, Gil's murder went unpunished.

However, U.S. lawyers Daniel Kovalik and Terry Collingsworth, as well as activist Ray Rogers, stepped in and launched an ambitious crusade against the behemoth Coca-Cola. In an incredible three-year saga, filmmakers Germán Gutiérrez and Carmen Garcia follow these heroes in a legal game of cat and mouse. From Bogotá to New York, Guatemala to Atlanta, Washington to Canada, The Coca-Cola Case maintains the suspense of a hard-fought struggle.

The lawyers filed several cases at the U.S. federal court against Cola-Cola for murder, abduction and torture committed in Colombia and Guatemala. Thanks to activist Ray Rogers, they also attacked the brand image of the Atlanta-based giant, with the devastating campaign Stop Killer Coke!, causing dozens of U.S. colleges and universities to boycott the drink.

Still the company would not give up. After five years of haggling, will the lawyers get justice? In the end, they reach a settlement of sorts, but what will the victims choose - cash, or power and integrity?

A trade unionist in Colombia protests Coke

The Coca Cola Case Film Tour

Cinema Politica and the National Film Board of Canada are collaborating to screen THE COCA COLA CASE throughout the Cinema Politica Network at two dozen locations across Canada and abroad at our Sweden, Norway and New Zealand locations.

The tour launches with the January 18th screening at Concordia, then continues across the country. Check the CP page for the tour for more information.

Coca Cola's Legal Letter to Cinema Politica

On January 11th Cinema Politica received a letter from Coke's lawyers intimating possible problems for us if we continued ahead with our plans to screen the film throughout the network. The film has already been shown publicly in Europe, Latin America and North America, the filmmakers have never been contacted by Coke's lawyers, and as far as we know we are in our full rights to screen this important film.

For media coverage of the tour and this letter to Cinema Politica, visit the following links (and pick up today's Mirror and Hour for more articles):

Cinema Politica and a Case of Coke at the Montreal Gazette online
Sickly Sweet in The Hour
Coca-Cola lawyers threaten Cinema Politica in The Link]
Corruption Classic in The Link
Cinema Politica Screens, Streams NFB Content at MediaCaster Magazine
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