Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Christ Claims Canada

No. _17041__
Terrace Registry


James Russell Sterritt

Sergeant Hector Lee and Corporal Don Wrigglesworth and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and Melanie Smoke and Dianne Shanoss and The Gitanmaax Indian Band, and the Minister of Indian Affairs



1.Plaintiff is a Status Indian residing at Kitanmaax Village, and was born there April 20th 1943, and is a status member of the Gitanmaax Indian Band, and is the Chief of the Kitsilano Indian Band, and Plaintiff is the only Christian Prince of Wilpse Haaxw, presently claiming ownership of the hereditary title of Kitsilano by competent prescription in concert with the Salish heir of the title named Frank Williams, who presently resides at Squamish BC.

2.Plaintiff claims the title of Kitsilano pursuant to Ayoak Amnigwotque, which is Father's right, since Plaintiff's father is Charlie Sterritt (1985-1967), who held the title of Haaxw until the Wilpse passed the title to Charlie Olsen, and Charlie passed into Heaven. Ms. Shannon Wright is the current holder of the Title Haaxw

3.Plaintiff claims his rights in the same lands as he is the present heir of the title of Christ by virtue of competent prescription of the title of Christ. Plaintiff's claim of right in the title of Christ is based on being born in the very way predicted in Isaiah 7, verse 14, which predicts that the next Christ would be born, as Jesus was, by being conceived by and born to the Alma.

4. Plaintiff's mother is Alma Jean Sterritt (1917-1967) who did not know how Plaintiff was conceived, while her husband was away in Europe during the Second World War. Plaintiff was subjected to spite and other abuse by his step-father and half-siblings, all of his life, including in the harassment and mischief set out in this claim.

5.The aboriginal title Kitsilano is commensurate with the Biblical title of Christ, by virtue of its genesis in the Kitksan Adaawk, while the Biblical title of Christ is equivalent to the aboriginal title of Kitsilano, by virtue of both titles deriving from the founding story of the world, which begins in Genesis, continues in the Holy Bible up to the Revelation of St. John, and having continued throughout history up to the present day.

6.The Kitsilano Adaawk arrived in Kitanmaax around 1233A.D., when the Khitan Imperial Family fled out of Asia to escape from Genghis Khan.

7.The aboriginal titles, Kitsilano and Christ, combine to produce the highest right of land ownership in the world, which right in the Province of British Columbia, is the highest Indian title that it is possible to hold and assert as a right in Provincial land, and Plaintiff holds ownership of, and asserts that title and right, and Plaintiff claims that title and right against all other aboriginal titles and rights in the Province of British Columbia, by virtue of competent prescription and by exercising his rights of ownership of the Provincial land, and by claiming ownership of all lands in the Province of British Columbia, as Plaintiff's private and generic right within Potlatch and under Aboriginal title.

8.Plaintiff's rights and claims are founded in the written history of the world, and in the oral Adaawk, of the Indigenous tribes of the Province of British Columbia, and therefore Plaintiff's title and rights to the land, are recognized and affirmed by and in Section 35.1, of Constitution Act 1982, and therefore are qualified to be upheld and declared to exist as real rights according to court decisions, and obiter dicta, by the Supreme Courts of British Columbia and of Canada.

9.Plaintiff's claim of the highest right of ownership of the Province of British Columbia is rooted in the fact that Kitsilano's title is both Salish and Kitksan, because the first Kitsilano was the son of a Kitksan mother and of a Salish father. Kitsilano was born in the Village of Tscin Haaxw, which translates as the House of Haaxw, while the title Haaxw comes down to the present from the title and the rights given by Heaven to Abram, the Son of Suffering, who became Abraham, the Son of the Right Hand of Heaven.

10.Plaintiff's claim to the title of Christ is based on having successfully opened the seven seals of Revelation 5. The opening of the 7 Seals is accomplished by answering the seven questions, which being closed conceal, and on being opened, reveal the truth of life in the Universe.

a. The first seal opens the mystery of light, which was first opened in Egypt when they measured the light and discovered the existence in all matter, of the Cross as the sign of Heaven. That discovery proves the existence in reality of two other Minds besides the Earthly Mind, the Infinite Mind and the Heavenly Mind

b. The second seal is on the mystery of Heaven, which is opened by understanding good and evil, which come from the Infinite Void, and are then resolved by Heaven and are then capable of being realized and resolved in the story of life on Earth. This is why the Story of life on Earth is predicated on the Lives of the Christs.
c. The 3rd seal is on the mystery of language which is opened by the law of the Numbers. Thought and creation are products of language.

d. The 4th seal is on the truth which is opened by the word, which word is Christ, or Kits, and which word is the title of the highest story, and person, and law, in the world.

e. The fifth seal is the story of Christ and of the Cross, which story is every person's story, and there is no other true story. All other 'stories' are false and evil, compared to the story of Christ.

f. The 6th seal is time, which is not a real phenomenon but an illusion. Time, per se', ends with the completion of the story of Christ in the giving to the world of the Sign of Heaven..

g. The Seventh Seal is the Song of Eden which was closed by the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, and is reopened by the Plaintiff. The Song of Eden is sung in the original language of the Garden of Eden, which language is Tsalmalkit, and is spoken, and sung by the true Kitksan Temlaham Imperial family.

11.Plaintiff lives within the true story of the World, while Defendants remain outside of, and are opposed to the true story because they oppose Plaintiff and deny his story by refusing to recognize and affirm Kitsilano's rights as owner and highest title holder of rights to the land in the Province of BC.

12.Plaintiff's ownership is legally consistent with the same right of ownership of land in the Province of BC that is inherited and may be claimed by all the other residents of the Province, except that being the highest possible aboriginal right of possession, Plaintiff has authority to certify and empower all the other rights of ownership and possession that it is possible to assert, and that can be recognized and affirmed.

13.The Land Titles Act of British Columbia is designed to certify and register all the possible land rights in the Province. Fee Simple holdings can have aboriginal title incorporated directly into each Certificate of Title by entering all of the classes and categories of interests that are possible to assert and to claim, in the box on each certificate that is denominated Indian Band, thereby resolving all land tenure into a single class of right, and thereby providing the ways and the means by which every single land holder and each aboriginal title holder in the Province can be resolved to each other. This model of land holding obviates and eliminates the need for the stalemated and inequitable Treaty process that would perpetuate the divide in the Province between the Aboriginal and the Settler populations.

14.Plaintiff has described this model of ownership and settlement in various discussions with members of his Band and with his relatives in Kitanmaax, and describes it in documents circulated to the electors of the Band for the purposes of gaining votes for the office of Chief Councillor in the coming election to be held for the council of the Gitanmaax Band.
15.Plaintiff provided a copy by email to the commanding officer of the RCMP at New Hazelton BC. Plaintiff also provided copies to the Gitanmaax Indian Band.

16.The copies of the model set out and provide formal notice of Plaintiff's claims of right and that notice obliges all other persons with claims in the same land to consult with Plaintiff and, following due process of the law, to either give notice to Plaintiff that they recognize and affirm Plaintiff's rights and claims, or explain any reasonable disagreement they have with those rights and claims.

17.There is a history of the RCMP and others denying and opposing Plaintiff's right to own and claim his rights. Plaintiff has been in virtual exile from the area of his home Village for the last three decades, and under court orders to remain away for the last four years.

18.On the 24th of March, 2010, Plaintiff became unhindered by the years of sanctions imposed by the RCMP and the courts, based on his undertakings to stay out of the area, and away from the office of the Gitanmaax Band, and from the office of the Village of Hazelton, and from several individuals, and when Plaintiff returned to the area in mid-April he began asserting his rights of possession and ownership as Christ and as Kitsilano, under auspices of his own Kitsilano Indian Band.

19.Plaintiff immediately detected actions by unidentified individuals which Plaintiff interpreted to be mischief intended to incite him by provoking incidents that would result in the RCMP imposing further sets of sanctions, including further exile from the area for extended terms of time. Plaintiff arranged to visit the RCMP Detachment and met SGT. Hector Lee. In the meeting Plaintiff notified the RCMP of his intentions and requested of SGT. Lee that the RCMP not harass him and that the RCMP take notice of any complaints made by Plaintiff that he was being harassed or was experiencing interference with his rights, and Sgt. Lee gave Plaintiff advice on how to record such actions and words, with the implied promise that the RCMP would investigate and process all such actions.

20.Plaintiff applied to the Gitanmaax Band for recognition of his right to own and to have the private possession of a lot of land on land claimed under the Indian Act, as Plaintiff is entitled to have, so that Plaintiff would be able to move onto that lot, and while there could build his permanent residence and any other buildings necessary for businesses Plaintiff intends to operate. Plaintiff was unable to obtain a commitment from anyone in the Gitanmaax Band office and so, was unable to begin the arrangements necessary to moving onto the lot he picked out.

21.Plaintiff therefore moved his Motor Home onto land at a campground known as Ksan Campground where Band Members have always resided or camped and stayed freely in the past, without any cost above the electricity charged by BC Hydro.

22.Plaintiff had stayed at Ksan Campground under this understanding on many occasions in the past, however on returning to the area in 2006, he was harassed and subjected to unreasonable demands for full payment by a manager and officers of the Band, during the making of which demands, the RCMP apparently advocated that the Band enforce their authority by “removing” Plaintiff's tent and belongings peremptorily. Plaintiff was ultimately arrested in his tent on the land in 2006 and forced to undertake to remain out of the area until March 24th 2010.

23.Plaintiff met the same cycle of harassment and threats from the RCMP on behalf of the other Defendants on the 6th and the 7th of May 2010, and now files this writ.

24.Plaintiff takes the position that he is entitled to hold his land and to enjoy his rights in his land and to advance his claims in the land, at the Ksan Campground, and elsewhere, by peaceable possession against all other rights and claims, for purposes of recovering all of his rights in all land, and all of his possession of the Provincial lands, that were lost to himself and to his family and to his Wilpse, and to his Bands, when his lands were invaded and became occupied by Europeans (Euro) who intended to take ownership and possession, in opposition to the Kitksan, on behalf of their Church and Sovereign as part of their goal of completing the proverbial Kingdom of God.

25.It is prescribed in the Hudson's Bay Charter, and in other Proclamations binding on euro taking up occupation and settling on Indian Lands, that they not take the land owned by the Indians and that they recognize and affirm the rights and Titles of any Christian Prince found holding lands in the New World.

26.Plaintiff is such a Christian Prince.

27.Euro manifested their plan of displacing Indians from our land by passing legislation that made the institution of Potlatch illegal, and they conscripted the children of aboriginal families into Residential schools where indigenous languages were not permitted to be spoken any longer, and after Plaintiff declared in public, in 1974-76, that all of BC is Indian Land, Euro, in 1977, reacted to that claim by empowering Plaintiff's siblings to so act on the land as to reinforce Euro possession against Plaintiff's claim.

28. In 1979, Euro began a concerted but covert vendetta against Plaintiff intended to destroy any opportunities Plaintiff had to re-establish Potlatch and recover possession of his rights in his land along with the rights of his Bands. Euro caused Plaintiff to be committed to Asylums and to be imprisoned, and to be exiled from Kitanmaax, which all resulted in Plaintiff being abused and disrespected and to suffer physical pain and mental anguish, and to be injured and lose his property and be treated as a pariah throughout the Province.

29.On the 6th of May, 2010, Plaintiff received a document from Melanie Smoke, demanding that he leave his land or he would be removed by the “proper authorities.” and then Corporal Don Wrigglesworth visited and consulted with Plaintiff at the place where Plaintiff was residing in his Motor home. The Corporal assured Plaintiff that the RCMP would not remove him by force without “proper authority” which the Corporal intimated did not exist at the time and that Plaintiff was entitled to hold his ground peacefully until court proceedings and due process of the law determined any further disposition.
30.On the 7th of May Diane Shanoss delivered another document demanding that Plaintiff remove from the land by 4 pm or he would be forced to leave, and then Plaintiff received a threat from Sgt. Lee, that the Corporal would attend and would arrest Plaintiff if Plaintiff refused to obey Sgt. Lee.

31.When Plaintiff consulted the Corporal he learned that he had been the commanding officer at Kisgegas when Plaintiff's cousin and friend Rodney Jackson was murdered by the RCMP in November of 2009.

32.Plaintiff became fearful that the RCMP intended to murder him and began to evacuate the land so he could seek court orders against the RCMP having any violent contact with Plaintiff or removing Plaintiff's property, and was in the process of disconnecting from the campground, when two RCMP officers, including the Defendant Corporal, arrived bearing their weapons, and demanding that Plaintiff serve them coffee and discuss the emails sent to Plaintiff by Sgt Lee. The RCMP officers included a Constable that had harassed Plaintiff a few days earlier on an allegation that Plaintiff was exhibiting “suspicious behaviour” when Plaintiff was delivering election material. The Constable reiterated that he was the officer in charge of the action that killed Rodney Jackson, in front of Plaintiff and Peter Jackson, the younger brother of Rodney, and within the hearing of a third witness inside the Motor Home at the time who did not come out. She voiced that we “would not remain in danger when threatened with force and violence.”

33.Plaintiff fears he will be assaulted and possibly murdered by the RCMP or by their agents. Recently at Kisgegas, where Rodney Jackson was murdered, unidentified persons burned a building that was under construction by a chief who is not supported by the Gitanmaax group or by the RCMP. When Plaintiff sought to visit Kisgegas to survey a creek he was denied the key for a gate that the Gitanmaax group has installed on the road, and Plaintiff received two threats forwarded to him by Peter Jackson, that were uttered by the husband of an employee of the Gitanmaax group, and by a member of the family of those who shot at Plaintiff in 1998, at Kisgegas. The RCMP had charged Plaintiff on that occasion but because Plaintiff had recorded the events on a tape recorder, the charges did not result in imprisonment although the court did convict Plaintiff of some of the charges that were laid by the RCMP.


A. Plaintiff is entitled to enjoy peaceable possession of his rights in his lands and to hold private ownership of Lot Number 135, Poplar Grove, on the Gitanmaax Indian Reservation, which he selected from lands available to him for residential occupation,and Plaintiff seeks a declaration by the court to that effect, enabling Plaintiff to take possession of that lot and begin to build his residence there, and thus to remove from the Campground.

B. Plaintiff is entitled to feel safe and secure on his own lands and in his Village and in his Province. He does not presently enjoy these rights under the present circumstances and is fearful that he will be murdered by the RCMP or by any one of several agents in the area who are employed by the Gitanmaax group, and by the Village of Hazelton, and Plaintiff therefore seeks an order by the court that the Defendants undertake to cease harassing Plaintiff and to not interfere with Plaintiff in his enjoyment of his land and property as Chief Kitsilano.

C. By denying Plaintiff the authority to possess his lot of land, which authority it is in Defendant's power to convey to him, the Gitanmaax group, in particular, forces Plaintiff to occupy his land at the Ksan Campground where he is exposed to harassment by the Gitanmaax group and can be provoked by others and then faces arrest by the RCMP for being involved in any disturbance, and is likely to be murdered by the RCMP while in custody and held by them on dubious authority or grounds such as set out in the Sgt. Lee email record. Plaintiff is afraid his Motor Home will be burned or damaged or towed while absent from it. Plaintiff therefore seeks an order from the court that all Defendants provide Plaintiff with the authorities that are within their power to grant to him, and that they undertake to keep the peace and conduct themselves in a professional manner in all their dealings with Plaintiff, and that they provide Plaintiff with the same service and protection that they provide to others in the community.

D. Plaintiff is entitled to have the court impose sanctions on the RCMP and on the other Defendants requiring them to stay away from Plaintiff except when they have legal business to do with Plaintiff, such as processing Plaintiff's applications for his lot of land and such as processing any complaints made by Plaintiff to the RCMP of further harassment or when he has reasonable fears of individuals posing and making threats to his person or to his property, and Plaintiff seeks orders from the court to that effect.

E. Plaintiff is entitled to have a written court order that the Defendants, the Gitanmaax Indian Band, and, or the Minister of Indian Affairs, provide all the necessary authorities and permissions to Plaintiff that he requires to allow him to take possession of his lot of private land at Poplar Grove, Lot 135, and to develop the services and utilities on that lot that are required for completing his Residence, and the other buildings that are set out in Plaintiff's business plan, and Plaintiff seeks orders of the court to that effect.

F. Plaintiff is entitled to such confirmation by the Gitanmaax Group, of the subsidy grant that is available to all members of Indian Bands that he needs for purposes of applying for the further financing of his building and business plans, and Plaintiff seeks orders by the court to that effect.

G. Plaintiff is entitled to an order by the court that all Defendants will continue to keep the peace and be of good and lawful behaviour toward Plaintiff at all times in the future and will not harass him or interfere in any way with Plaintiff's rights in Plaintiff's lands and with Plaintiff's right to peaceful security at all times, and Plaintiff seeks a court order to that effect.
H. Plaintiff seeks these orders and any further orders the court deems warranted in the circumstances.

Plaintiff is in danger of injury or death, and Plaintiff's property is under threat, and therefore he seeks these orders immediately.

Place of Trial: Terrace BC.

Dated_11 May 2010_ _________________Chief Kitsilano__________________

Hector and Wrigglesworm strike blows for fascism

On Fri, May 7, 2010 at 4:31 PM, Hector LEE  wrote:
Mr. Sterritt,

I will be sending Cpl. Wrigglesworth to speak to you about what options you have as a result of the letter served to you by Ms. Shanoss. I have not seen this letter but suspect it is requesting payment from you for the camp site rental and to vacate that site should you not provide payment.

Please be advised that as RCMP officers, we adhere to and must follow the Criminal Code of Canada. We have no intention to disrespect you in any way however we do have legal obligations to act when necessary. The Gitanmaax Band has not changed any rules or has targeted you with respect to the usage of the KSAN campsite from what I can derive. Again I re-iterate that the Gitanmaax Band Council is charged with administering how they handle the lands of the Gitanmaax Reserve and in this case, it is a campground where persons using the serviced sites are expected to pay a rental/usage fee whether they are Band members or not.

The choice is to pay and be able to stay, or not pay and the request to remove you and your items would be made to us. I will advise you that we will have to act in accordance with the Criminal Code should you refuse to leave the campground. What I mean by that is possibly arresting you for assault by trespass. I have consulted with our crown counsel and they are in agreement that this would be the offence committed should you refuse to leave.

I do understand your plight and what you are trying to accomplish however, in my eyes, this is not an ideal solution and I would hope that you would voluntarily pack up your items and leave should you not provide the requested payment. If you have a claim of that land, then, as I re-iterate from my last pieces of correspondence, there is a forum for those in judiciary to hear your claims and possibly make a decision on those claims.

Thank you for reading and I hope we can come to a peaceful resolve on this matter.

Sgt. Hector Lee
Detachment Commander - New Hazelton RCMP

>>> Chief Kitsilano sterritt 2010-05-07 15:58 >>>
Herewith attachment contains the letter promised to you in response to yours


Saturday, May 8, 2010

"We murdered your cousin" Corporal Wrigglesworthless




While residing on my land in my Village of Kitanmaax, on the 6th and 7th of May 2010, I was harassed and assaulted and threatened with being murdered, by the combination of RCMP officers Lee and Wrigglesworth, and other officers and members of a group purporting to be an Indian Band, being threatened with being murdered, "the way we murdered your cousin Rodney Jackson."

A group calling themselves the Gitanmaax Indian Band, which is registered under the Indian Act, and a subsidiary group of individuals, claim rights against me on land they denote as the Ksan Campground. They have harassed me over the years and demand that I must pay them to occupy my land. I was arrested there several years ago by Sgt Warren Brown and required by the court to remain away from my land for 4 years. I returned to the land and took up residence in April, and made a good faith payment for electricity and garbage removal to Melanie Smoke, and while requesting that she ask the Band and the group, to recognize my ownership rights in the specific land, and to consult with me over my land rights and they refused to do so, and they continued harassing me and had police officers harass me.

On the 6th of May 2010, Corp. Wrigglesworth consulted with me and affirmed to me that I could not be removed without authority.

On the 7th of May Sgt. Lee assaulted me with threats of arrest if I did not remove from the land by 4 pm, and at 6:30 pm, the Corporal did assault me by driving onto my land showing his weapons and demanding that I serve him coffee and that I listen to him read the emails sent to me by Lee, and then Cst. Wrigglesworth, who was in charge of a squad that murdered my cousin Rodney Jackson, repeated that story in front of myself, and the brother of Rodney, Peter Jackson, and two other witnesses, a Constable, and a friend of mine.

I evacuated the land and fled to Terrace BC, arriving there at 12;30 am, May 8, 2010.

I was and I am in fear for my life because I have been subjected to Police attacks, including attacks with weapons fired, over many years and as recently as February and March, in the City of Vancouver, which attacks on my life resulted in serious injuries and serious trauma and mental anguish and prolonged pain. In 1998 (the day of the death of Princess Di) I was clubbed from behind and shot at in Kisgegas, by members of the same police sponsored Gitanmaax Band, at the same location as the murder of my cousin Rodney Jackson, which occurred in November of last year.

This vendetta against me is co-sponsored by the Mayor of Hazelton, and members of her family and members of my family, who recently after my return had me harassed by the same police Constable who attended the assault on me, by knocking on the door of my residence and questioning me for "suspicious behavior" after I was delivering election material to a residence on my land.

Chief Kitsilano

Friday, May 7, 2010

"Wrigglesworth laughed at Rodney" - Peter Jackson

Chief Kitsilano
Site A Comp 23, RR#1 Kispiox Valley Road
Hazelton BC V0J 1Y0 778 202 0218

Robert “Sonny” Jackson Jr.
Kitanmaax Reserve

To Sonny:


It has been brought to my attention by your brother Peter, that you are accusing me of harming your mother by quote “locking her in her room for two days” unquote.

This is not a true fact and amounts to slander.

I need you to recant this statement and make amends to the harm this statement intends to do to me, and has done to me. This letter is my demand that you do these things immediately. Sonny, there has been a long standing vendetta in this community against me by people who employ your wife, Monica, and by several individuals in high office, including the present Chief Councillor, the Mayor of Hazelton, and the staff of the Upper Skeena Legal Aid Society. The vendetta is based on positions I declared in 1974, in the Prince Rupert Daily News, that “BC is Indian Land.” When I returned to this area in 1981, I was met with the vendetta by my brother Neil John Sterritt, and by the Kitanmaax Indian Band, and the Council of the Village of Hazelton. Many of the bully types in the area centered me out and I have endured their mischief until now. I was shot at in the Tsimgetgigeniix Cabin you claim.

The Police take up this abuse against me by cooperating to have me charged and made subject to criminal charges and to Peace Bonds. I have not had any room to do such a thing as you are accusing me, to anyone, although the girl you have affairs with, Darlene Fargey, whom you know and who visited you while you were living in the Inlander Hotel, had me convicted of something similar to what you are saying now, and it is reasonable that you and her would mix the stories together to inspire hatred of me. Her are two copies of this letter and I will provide Monica with a third copy if you do not do the right thing and take this lie back by contacting your brother Peter, and giving him a copy of this with your admission written on it, that you made this story up.

The second thing you must admit on the same letter, by placing your initials next to this paragraph, is that Gail, your mother told a lie to the Police, while sharing the apartment above USCLAS, with me and Bob Vincent and Bruce Gunanoot, saying I sexually assaulted her in that apartment. She did this because the staff, Linda Locke and the others, and Bob and Bruce, told her they would evict her if they could not get me out of that apartment. I was arrested by the police on Gail's charge, and then released on conditions to stay away from that building, and then your mother withdrew her story.

These facts are all on the court record. If it was a true fact that I did what you are now saying, why was I never even accused of it, let alone not charged? Why would I not have been convicted if it was true?
These lies are signs of something evil in your mind, and Sonny, you are probably afraid to face me and explain how, and why your brother, Rodney, one of my best friends in the world, was murdered in Kisgegas! You were present according to the report. Did you know the Police were going to be there?

As you know I am in intimate communication with Heaven and Jesus Christ knows your heart as well as you do, so it is a bad sign when you are so eager to say this about me.

I have visited the Police Commanding Officer and explained my position in Hazelton to him, advising him that this time around, I will be seeking the Peace Bonds against those who interfere with me and make any kind of threat against me or my rights or my property. I am also forwarding a copy of this letter to Sgt. Lee and formally asking him to inform you that the only contact with me you can have from now on is the return of this letter to me through Peter Jackson, your brother.

I add that I am proud to know Peter, whose faith in the Lord is genuine and openly expressed. I understand that you berate him. This is another sign of something evil in your heart, a sign of the kind that Esau showed toward Jacob, and Daniel's brothers showed against Daniel. I mourned Rodney's death. While doing that Heaven hinted to me that something was not right about your presence there at the time; if I have this intuition, Peter will also have the same feeling and that is why you are being mean to him. I experienced this sibling hatred first hand and there are many stories in the Bible about this, which you have read.

The only advice I cajn volunteer to you as someone who took your Mother in when she was being evicted, and who is now taking your homeless Brother in out of the cold, is that you must immediately repent and recant , and pray to Heaven that this evil is removed from you. Do not persist in your part in this evil vendetta against me because I have the perfect protection of the Lord Jesus Christ, which is the right, if I so choose it, to use his Holy Name as my own, and if I fall on you any heavier than I do in this letter, you will be, as the Gospels guarantee “ground to powder.”

I close with the added power of my title as Chief Kitsilano, son of Wilpse Haaxw, the owner of the land you presently reside on and owner of the land at Kisgegas where you are reportedly claiming to own a cabin. If I so choose I can deny your claim and can act to have you barred from being there, on the basis of your slandering me and threatening further harm to me. By your slander you make me afraid you intend to do further harm to me. Morgan Trembley used the same kind of tactic and came to Kisgegas for the same reason and he shot at me, and he clubbed me from behind with an iron bar; then later he said;”Iwill break your nose, again!

As I say above, I do not intend to suffer any further abuse from anyone without imposing the powers of these titles and names and rights in my defence and my behalf. I am entited to legal protection and I seek that right in this letter.

So, to close, let me repeat the fact of your sexual relationship with Darlene Fargey. Everyone knows she keeps a stable of fools and has them visit her, which George did as well while she was with me.

I will never compromise myself with evil again, and if you do a single thing again to bother me, I will see that you lose your sugar mommy.

Sincerely, in my name as JESUS CHRIST,
whom you once knew as a friend named Jamey Sterritt.
778 202 0218


Can KHAN can Kitsilano???


On Fri, May 7, 2010 at 4:44 PM, wrote:
Thank you Sir:

I will look at whatever authority your officer provides to me and can respond when I see that.

Of course I will not press any claim against a threatened arrest but you must accept your responsibility
under the law to possess and show by what authority you would threaten to arrest me, so I can use that
in my appeal against such abuse of process.

I am in Peaceable possession (see Milton Born with a Tooth) where officers attacked Indians with the same right I hold,
and they were rebuked by the court for not possessing any right against Mr Born with a Tooth. If you are acting on
advice of your counsel they should provide you with their authority to protect you from liability and criminal charges against you and your subordinates.

Jamey Will-Not-Be-shot Sterritt

On May 7, 2010 4:31pm, Hector LEE wrote:
> Mr. Sterritt,
> I will be sending Cpl. Wrigglesworth to speak to you about what options you have as a result of the letter served to you by Ms. Shanoss. I have not seen this letter but suspect it is requesting payment from you for the camp site rental and to vacate that site should you not provide payment.
> Please be advised that as RCMP officers, we adhere to and must follow the Criminal Code of Canada. We have no intention to disrespect you in any way however we do have legal obligations to act when necessary. The Gitanmaax Band has not changed any rules or has targeted you with respect to the usage of the KSAN campsite from what I can derive. Again I re-iterate that the Gitanmaax Band Council is charged with administering how they handle the lands of the Gitanmaax Reserve and in this case, it is a campground where persons using the serviced sites are expected to pay a rental/usage fee whether they are Band members or not.
> The choice is to pay and be able to stay, or not pay and the request to remove you and your items would be made to us. I will advise you that we will have to act in accordance with the Criminal Code should you refuse to leave the campground. What I mean by that is possibly arresting you for assault by trespass. I have consulted with our crown counsel and they are in agreement that this would be the offence committed should you refuse to leave.
> I do understand your plight and what you are trying to accomplish however, in my eyes, this is not an ideal solution and I would hope that you would voluntarily pack up your items and leave should you not provide the requested payment. If you have a claim of that land, then, as I re-iterate from my last pieces of correspondence, there is a forum for those in judiciary to hear your claims and possibly make a decision on those claims.
> Thank you for reading and I hope we can come to a peaceful resolve on this matter.
> Sgt. Hector Lee
> Detachment Commander - New Hazelton RCMP
> >>> Chief Kitsilano sterritt> 2010-05-07 15:58 >>>
> Herewith attachment contains the letter promised to you in response to yours
> jamey

Wrigglesworth Rides Again

On Fri, May 7, 2010 at 9:23 AM, Hector LEE wrote:
Thank you Mr. Sterritt for your kind words. I will forward your message to Cpl. Wrigglesworth. I am currently researching what the Band's actual policy is with respect to Gitanmaax Band members staying at K'SAN. As indicated earlier, the Band does have the right to administrate this spectacular property with their business and cultural interests in mind. Myself or Cpl. Wrigglesworth will be in touch with you in the near future.

Sgt. Lee

>>> Chief Kitsilano sterritt 2010-05-07 08:22 >>>
Dear Sergeant Lee:

May I convey my sincere respect and appreciation to you and the RCMP for
your wise and dexterous and altogether delicate handling of the situation
involving myself, and the Manager of Ksan, among all the rest of the Band
Members and the tribe as a whole. We have been brought by you to a better
level of understanding of the law itself and its inherent ability, when
respected and allowed to function within our own hearts and our minds.

Hector Lee cannot conquer me

On Thu, May 6, 2010 at 5:11 PM, Hector LEE wrote:
Mr. Sterritt,

I am responding to your issue at K'SAN in this email. We have not received any official reports with respect to your stay in K'SAN and whether you are welcome there or not. I am under the impression that the Gitanmaax Band Council is charged with the administration of activities at K'SAN among other places. Someone has to make rules and regulations. Should you not agree, then I am sure there is a process that you can follow to challenge these rules without provocation. I suggest to you that this is something that should be taken up in a legal forum such as the courts, so that a final decision can be made on this matter of whether you are allowed to stay or not. As indicated in your nomination letter, Gitsxan people should be working together not against each other.

The Gitanmaax Band Office is closed as I am writing this email to you. As per our conversation we had here at the Detachment a couple of weeks ago, you were wanting to do things differently and with the least confrontation as possible. Well, I am providing you a suggestion so that this situation does not become confrontational but does get addressed in some form.

Feel free to contact me and I would look forward to speaking with you should you wish to do so.

Sgt. Hector Lee

Hector Lee is Genghis Khan, can can can

From: Chief Kitsilano sterritt
Date: Thu, May 6, 2010 at 4:13 PM
Subject: Re: Reports of Slander and Mischief
To: Hector LEE

Dear Hector Lee:

Thank you very much for your response.

Your reported impression was the same as mine until I was advised by "Melanie" who is the manager of Ksan Campground, that Police Officers came twice to the campground and had interviewed her. What offended me was how she reacted to them, or what she herself added to the matter, and I cannot know which of the two is the case, but she said to me that I must not "bug" other patrons of the campground. I have a civil issue with the Band, as you see in my Nomination Memorial, and there is a history going back to an arrest by your predecessor in command, Vince Brown, where I was staying here at the campground after being told there was no charge for Band Members, which was a widely known policy, but it was not being extended to me and the then manager was treating me with hostility, and told me Police Officers told her to have her staff remove my tent. This leads me to suspect both Melanie and your officers of being biased and prejudiced against me and thereby interfering with me in my rights and thereby harassing me.

I am struggling to stand on my rights and it is not a simple matter because other Band members, and these employees have naive ideas about the tenure of this land, which they transfer from their concepts of Certificates of Possession. They assume that because the Band is a corporate entity, and they are hired by that entity, and I am a mere individual, that I must be acting in an impertinent way and should be treated as a trespasser if I ask for my rights and request that they grant me some concession as a Band Member. The Band keeps the hostility up by not responding to me about this or about my application for my lot of land on which I could reside while completing my permanent residence.

I have provided the manager with a letter setting out my claims and she has responded with a threat to have me "removed by the proper authorities" at 6 pm today. I ask you to intervene before that time. I am in peaceable possession of land I own and claim to own, by my rights under the common law, with a reasonable claim of right. I believe it is your duty to keep the peace and I know that neither my person nor my property can be moved or removed without the "proper authority."

The important thing right now is to clarify the process and avoid arousing personal animosity. I think you could play a role in that by attending a conference involving the Manager, the Band Office and myself. I request that immediately.

As for Peter and the threat made by Sonny, I am well acquainted with the guile that is used in these kinds of matters and I am acting to intercept an assault that is based on a rumor. Sonny and the others I named in our earlier meeting, and my letter, are looking ahead to the fishing season at Kisgegas and so am I. They will create issues at the canyon and trouble can break out. I will not allow myself to be threatened, harrassed or injured, and make this complaint so you are aware of my fear and of my intention. I can't decide for you what steps the law requires of you at this time, but I do know that officers tend to support the larger majority when such things are developing.

On the matter of the Mayor, she too is guileful and would have told her niece to call the police and have them investigate me. The characterization of my normal actions as "suspicious behavior" was unreasonable and obviously provocative. The police should not have used it in their discussion with me, when the incident occurred in broad daylight. This is the very harassment I told you I will not endure and look for you to moderate.

My recourse is to gather the facts, including your response and your actions, and apply to a JP or a judge, for civil or criminal remedies. Those remedies will include directions and injunctions and possible Peace Bonds. My Police Commission complaint already has a file number and is in process so it will reflect this present matter.

The manager and the Band have the same recourse and I trust you will correct me or them with any other written documentation that can be provided to us all.

I will relay your email to Peter who is sleeping in my Motor Home these days and he may contact you.

Thank you for your help, I appreciate it very much,

Chief Kitsilano,

On Thu, May 6, 2010 at 3:22 PM, Hector LEE wrote:
Hello Mr Sterrit,

I reviewed your below correspondence and have reviewed the file. I have not spoken to the officers involved as they are on days off. I understand that a suspicious circumstance was reported (ie. you were suspected of trespassing on someone's property). Cst. CANUEL appears to be the one who was assigned the file and Cst. FLETT was the back up officer. The complainant in this case advised he believed it was you who trespassed on his property and was not sure what you were doing or why you were on their property. Our officers simply attended to your location to confirm your identity and you obviously provided an explanation in which they were satisfied with. Our file /investigation was concluded as such. If you have other information for me as to the conduct of the officers, then you must relay that to me so I can deal with it. If you feel you must make a public complaint, you are well aware you are well within your right to do this as well.

I will not be addressing this with Mayor Alice Maitland as you are requesting. She is not the complainant in this matter and the fact that she may be related to the complainant does not involve her as far as I am concerned.

As for Sonny's threats to Peter; are they threats against you or was Peter threatened? Please clarify this. If Sonny threatened harm to you through Peter, then Peter needs to be the one to provide us a witness statement so we can determine the nature of the threats and whether it meets the criteria/threshold for a criminal charge approval. If Peter is the victim and was threatened by Sonny, again Peter would need to contact us and provide a statement as to the nature of the threats.

With respect to your land claim, I can only re-iterate that the claim process should be initiated through the courts. Perhaps the Gitxsan Treaty Office could provide you assistance in that regard?

Sgt. Hector LEE
NCO i/c New Hazelton Detachment

Hector Lee Might Be Genghis Khan, can, can can

On Thu, May 6, 2010 at 3:22 PM, Hector LEE wrote:
Hello Mr Sterrit,

I reviewed your below correspondence and have reviewed the file. I have not spoken to the officers involved as they are on days off. I understand that a suspicious circumstance was reported (ie. you were suspected of trespassing on someone's property). Cst. CANUEL appears to be the one who was assigned the file and Cst. FLETT was the back up officer. The complainant in this case advised he believed it was you who trespassed on his property and was not sure what you were doing or why you were on their property. Our officers simply attended to your location to confirm your identity and you obviously provided an explanation in which they were satisfied with. Our file /investigation was concluded as such. If you have other information for me as to the conduct of the officers, then you must relay that to me so I can deal with it. If you feel you must make a public complaint, you are well aware you are well within your right to do this as well.

I will not be addressing this with Mayor Alice Maitland as you are requesting. She is not the complainant in this matter and the fact that she may be related to the complainant does not involve her as far as I am concerned.

As for Sonny's threats to Peter; are they threats against you or was Peter threatened? Please clarify this. If Sonny threatened harm to you through Peter, then Peter needs to be the one to provide us a witness statement so we can determine the nature of the threats and whether it meets the criteria/threshold for a criminal charge approval. If Peter is the victim and was threatened by Sonny, again Peter would need to contact us and provide a statement as to the nature of the threats.

With respect to your land claim, I can only re-iterate that the claim process should be initiated through the courts. Perhaps the Gitxsan Treaty Office could provide you assistance in that regard?

Sgt. Hector LEE
NCO i/c New Hazelton Detachment

>>> Chief Kitsilano sterritt 2010-05-06 12:00 >>>
On Thu, May 6, 2010 at 9:19 AM, Chief Kitsilano sterritt <> wrote:

> Dear Sargeant Lee:
> I must report certain acts against me in the community by your officers and
> by Robert Sonny Jackson, and by Eli McLean, which I ask you to record and
> take action to curb and rectify.
> Two of your officers came to my place of residence at the first campsite in
> Ksan, and alleged they were investigating me for exhibiting "suspicious
> behaviour" and I object to that on the face of the information given to me
> by the officers. I will let you review their reports and compare what they
> tell you with what they said to me, heard by two or more witnesses. This
> follows our meeting in which you advised me to follow this procedure. The
> officers said they were acting on information coming from the family of the
> Mayor of Hazelton, which is the type of aggravation I said to you, I will
> not endure.
> I remind you, in this context, that I am preparing my complaint to the
> Police Professional Standards Commssion for filing and opening their
> investigations.
> The second complaint involves the brother of Peter Jackson, who attended
> the meeting we had at your office.
> Robert "Sonny" Jackson has made threats to Peter, and those threats have
> been relayed to me, and I fear that Jackson will harm me or my property. In
> making the threats Jackson told lies to Peter, and Peter has described the
> words as, quote "Jamey locked our mother in her room for two days" unquote.
> This kind of lie is the mark of someone who intends to do harm on the basis
> of the rumor. It is grounds for a suit for slander and for remedies, and I
> have begun that proceeding by providing you with the attached letter to
> Jackson. The letter speaks for itself and you can inform Jackson that you
> have your copy.
> I will proceed in a civil way to enforce my rights of *Peaceable
> Possession *of my lands, while I expect you to report to me that you are
> proceeding under the Criminal Code to enforce my rights to enjoy peace and
> security at all times where I now reside and where I intend to build my
> residence as well as in Kisgegas where my business plans are in progress.
> I add to this information a mild threat from Mr. Eli McLean who was part of
> the group that shot at me in the past, at Kisgegas, and told Peter Jackson
> that I should not exercise my rights as Chief Kitsilano In Kisgegas. While
> this is not in itself a threat, I believe it lays grounds for further
> attacks when I am in Kisgegas, and I expect you to remind McLean and his
> cohorts and family members, that they have no right or authority to approach
> me or to make any requirement of me that is not consistent with my right of
> *Peaceable Possession of the land I own and the land I claim. *Since
> McLean shot at me in Kisgegas in the past, this veiled threat causes me to
> fear that he and his gang will harm me or my property again.
> I believe you should also call or visit the Mayor of Hazelton to advise her
> that I will not allow myself to be made the victim of her declared vendetta,
> and that more false charges against me serve to compound those made in the
> past and will be made the subject of civil actions for my remedies.
> Thank you for your reply confirming your understanding of my complaints and
> that you will immediately investigate all of this information and will lay
> all the charges that the law requires you to do in the circumstances.
> I sincerely am,
> aka James Russell Sterritt
> 778 202 0218
> --
> V>^^

How Hell Killed Rodney Jackson or Wrigglesworth much less than I thought

On Thu, May 6, 2010 at 3:22 PM, Hector LEE  wrote:
Hello Mr Sterrit,

I reviewed your below correspondence and have reviewed the file. I have not spoken to the officers involved as they are on days off.  I understand that a suspicious circumstance was reported (ie. you were suspected of trespassing on someone's property). Cst. CANUEL appears to be the one who was assigned the file and Cst. FLETT was the back up officer. The complainant in this case advised he believed it was you who trespassed on his property and was not sure what you were doing or why you were on their property. Our officers simply attended to your location to confirm your identity and you obviously provided an explanation in which they were satisfied with. Our file /investigation was concluded as such. If you have other information for me as to the conduct of the officers, then you must relay that to me so I can deal with it. If you feel you must make a public complaint, you are well aware you are well within your right to do this as well.

I will not be addressing this with Mayor Alice Maitland as you are requesting. She is not the complainant in this matter and the fact that she may be related to the complainant does not involve her as far as I am concerned.

As for Sonny's threats to Peter; are they threats against you or was Peter threatened? Please clarify this. If Sonny threatened harm to you through Peter, then Peter needs to be the one to provide us a witness statement so we can determine the nature of the threats and whether it meets the criteria/threshold for a criminal charge approval. If Peter is the victim and was threatened by Sonny, again Peter would need to contact us and provide a statement as to the nature of the threats.

With respect to your land claim, I can only re-iterate that the claim process should be initiated through the courts. Perhaps the Gitxsan Treaty Office could provide you assistance in that regard?

Sgt. Hector LEE
NCO i/c New Hazelton Detachment

>>> Chief Kitsilano sterritt 2010-05-06 12:00 >>>
On Thu, May 6, 2010 at 9:19 AM, Chief Kitsilano sterritt <> wrote:

> Dear Sargeant Lee:
> I must report certain acts against me in the community by your officers and
> by Robert Sonny Jackson, and by Eli McLean, which I ask you to record and
> take action to curb and rectify.
> Two of your officers came to my place of residence at the first campsite in
> Ksan, and alleged they were investigating me for exhibiting "suspicious
> behaviour" and I object to that on the face of the information given to me
> by the officers. I will let you review their reports and compare what they
> tell you with what they said to me, heard by two or more witnesses. This
> follows our meeting in which you advised me to follow this procedure. The
> officers said they were acting on information coming from the family of the
> Mayor of Hazelton, which is the type of aggravation I said to you, I will
> not endure.
> I remind you, in this context, that I am preparing my complaint to the
> Police Professional Standards Commssion for filing and opening their
> investigations.
> The second complaint involves the brother of Peter Jackson, who attended
> the meeting we had at your office.
> Robert "Sonny" Jackson has made threats to Peter, and those threats have
> been relayed to me, and I fear that Jackson will harm me or my property. In
> making the threats Jackson told lies to Peter, and Peter has described the
> words as, quote "Jamey locked our mother in her room for two days" unquote.
> This kind of lie is the mark of someone who intends to do harm on the basis
> of the rumor. It is grounds for a suit for slander and for remedies, and I
> have begun that proceeding by providing you with the attached letter to
> Jackson. The letter speaks for itself and you can inform Jackson that you
> have your copy.
> I will proceed in a civil way to enforce my rights of *Peaceable
> Possession *of my lands, while I expect you to report to me that you are
> proceeding under the Criminal Code to enforce my rights to enjoy peace and
> security at all times where I now reside and where I intend to build my
> residence as well as in Kisgegas where my business plans are in progress.
> I add to this information a mild threat from Mr. Eli McLean who was part of
> the group that shot at me in the past, at Kisgegas, and told Peter Jackson
> that I should not exercise my rights as Chief Kitsilano In Kisgegas. While
> this is not in itself a threat, I believe it lays grounds for further
> attacks when I am in Kisgegas, and I expect you to remind McLean and his
> cohorts and family members, that they have no right or authority to approach
> me or to make any requirement of me that is not consistent with my right of
> *Peaceable Possession of the land I own and the land I claim. *Since
> McLean shot at me in Kisgegas in the past, this veiled threat causes me to
> fear that he and his gang will harm me or my property again.
> I believe you should also call or visit the Mayor of Hazelton to advise her
> that I will not allow myself to be made the victim of her declared vendetta,
> and that more false charges against me serve to compound those made in the
> past and will be made the subject of civil actions for my remedies.
> Thank you for your reply confirming your understanding of my complaints and
> that you will immediately investigate all of this information and will lay
> all the charges that the law requires you to do in the circumstances.
> I sincerely am,
> aka James Russell Sterritt
> 778 202 0218
> --
> V>^^

Melanie Smokes Cop

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Chief Kitsilano sterritt 
Date: Thu, May 6, 2010 at 4:13 PM
Subject: Re: Reports of Slander and Mischief
To: Hector LEE

Dear Hector Lee:

Thank you very much for your response.

Your reported impression was the same as mine until I was advised by "Melanie" who is the manager of Ksan Campground, that Police Officers came twice to the campground and had interviewed her. What offended me was how she reacted to them, or what she herself added to the matter, and I cannot know which of the two is the case, but she said to me that I must not "bug" other patrons of the campground. I have a civil issue with the Band, as you see in my Nomination Memorial, and there is a history going back to an arrest by your predecessor in command, Vince Brown, where I was staying here at the campground after being told there was no charge for Band Members, which was a widely known policy, but it was not being extended to me and the then manager was treating me with hostility, and told me Police Officers told her to have her staff remove my tent. This leads me to suspect both Melanie and your officers of being biased and prejudiced against me and thereby interfering with me in my rights and thereby harassing me.

I am struggling to stand on my rights and it is not a simple matter because other Band members, and these employees have naive ideas about the tenure of this land, which they transfer from their concepts of Certificates of Possession. They assume that because the Band is a corporate entity, and they are hired by that entity, and I am a mere individual, that I must be acting in an impertinent way and should be treated as a trespasser if I ask for my rights and request that they grant me some concession as a Band Member. The Band keeps the hostility up by not responding to me about this or about my application for my lot of land on which I could reside while completing my permanent residence.

I have provided the manager with a letter setting out my claims and she has responded with a threat to have me "removed by the proper authorities"  at 6 pm today. I ask you to intervene before that time. I am in peaceable possession of land I own and claim to own, by my rights under the common law, with a reasonable claim of right. I believe it is your duty to keep the peace and I know that neither my person nor my property can be moved or removed without the "proper authority." 

 The important thing right now is to clarify the process and avoid arousing personal animosity. I think you could play a role in that by attending a conference involving the Manager, the Band Office and myself. I request that immediately.

As for Peter and the threat made by Sonny, I am well acquainted with the guile that is used in these kinds of matters and I am acting to intercept an assault that is based on a rumor. Sonny and the others I named in our earlier meeting, and my letter, are looking ahead to the fishing season at Kisgegas and so am I. They will create issues at the canyon and trouble can break out. I will not allow myself to be threatened, harrassed or injured, and make this complaint so you are aware of my fear and of my intention. I can't decide for you what steps the law requires of you at this time, but I do know that officers tend to support the larger majority when such things are developing. 

On the matter of the Mayor, she too is guileful and would have told her niece to call the police and have them investigate me. The characterization of my normal actions as "suspicious behavior" was unreasonable and obviously provocative. The police should not have used it in their discussion with me, when the incident occurred in broad daylight. This is the very harassment I told you I will not endure and look for you to moderate.
My recourse is to gather the facts, including your response and your actions, and apply to a JP or a judge, for civil or criminal remedies. Those remedies will include directions and injunctions and possible Peace Bonds. My Police Commission complaint already has a file number and is in process so it will reflect this present matter.  
The manager and the Band have the same recourse and I trust you will correct me or them with any other written documentation that can be provided to us all.

I will relay your email to Peter who is sleeping in my Motor Home these days and he may contact you.

Thank you for your help, I appreciate it very much,

Chief Kitsilano,

Kitsilano versus Ggggitanmaax

778 202 0218

Office of Gitanmaax
PO Box 440, Hazelton BC

Attention Executive Directory,
Ms. Diane Shanoss.


In respect of the peremptory letter you delivered to Chief Kitsilano today describing the business interest you represent and seek to impose on us, in the form of requiring payments of fees to you, we take the position on our relationship that your authority is derived from the Constitution of Canada, in the Statutes of the Indian Act. We cannot find, and have never seen, any reference to any law, or any policy endorsed or authorized by the Minister of Indian Affairs, nor have we seen any form of a resolution passed or processed by any elected member of the Gitanmaax (sic) Indian Band (we do know of the Kitanmaax Indian Band), which provides any authority we can recognize and respond to with integrity.

In the absence of such authority we find it impossible to take your threats seriously enough to file a lawsuit against you that would bring you before a legal tribunal for relief of your threats and for such remedies as we could have enforced. These deficiencies have the result that your demands are a nuisance and amount to harassment that might well amount to crimes under the law and we have referred these letters to the Police for their opinion and the appropriate action against you.

The best light we are able to cast upon your position is a common law right as a Landlord who is seeking to charge and collect rent from a tenant who also has common law rights, including the right to remain in peaceable possession against a legal landlord until such time as the due process of law determines the correct order of the rights being claimed. We do not concede that you are a landlord, but a court might do so, in which case we would then still retain the right of appeal against a court so finding until final determination by the Supreme Courts of the Province and by the Supreme Court of Canada. We cannot be moved from our possession of our land until the rule of the law has reached the conclusion of that process. On that ground we repeat our complaint that any contact with us by you is not legal.
That being established, and because we sympathize with your desire to succeed in business, and intend to assist you in every way we can to so succeed, we return to our original application for every right in our land that you are able to assist us with in recovering from the governments, specifically being my application for written endorsement of our possession of Lot 325, in Poplar Grove, which I pointed out to you personally, Ms. Shanoss, so that we can establish ourselves on that land and can then remove ourselves from this land. Please provide me, Chief Kitsilano, in that title, and me James Russell Sterritt, by name and Band Number, 5310082201, with such letter and such facility that will completely expedite my business plans here in my Village.

I will immediately connect BC Hydro there and hook up Sewer and Water and proceed with building my residence, shop and warehouse as required in the business plan I am following.

As is known in my Village, I am a nominee for the office of Chief Councillor, and do not like to think any of the mistreatment I receive from your office is the rule in this place, nor that any other nominee, including the incumbent, or you yourself, would be biased against me but if the pattern continues, of not responding in due time to my applications, or of harassing me here, then I must bring the matter to court and have an injunction applied to you, to Ms. McRae, and to all the employees of your office, protecting me in my rights and restricting anyone from interfering with the same rights.

I could say more but my promise to have this letter written and available at 4:00 pm does not allow that.

Chief Kitsilano,
James Sterritt.


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Nomination Memorial

Nomination for the Election of Chief Councillor May 4th, 2010

Chief Kitsilano, who is James Russell Sterritt;
Site A, Comp 23; RR#1, Kispiox Valley Road
Hazelton BC V0J 1Y0 778 202 0218

To all the Members of the Kitanmaax Indian Band

Why I have been nominated, What I will do when I am elected, and what improvement I will make in your community and in your lives in the coming years

Why I have been nominated to stand for election as your next Chief Councillor

I was born here in Kitanmaax during the Second World War, in 1943, and attended schools here until I spent one year at the University of BC. but couldn’t continue my higher education since my family wasn’t registered under the Indian Act until 1987, for the oddest reason, that Charlie Sterritt, who was Tsalmoikit Haaxw at that time, was “living like a white man,” which while not a legal reason, meant he was ambitious, and very prosperous, and along with the famous Simon Gunanoot, it meant Charlie Sterritt was radically outspoken on our Indian rights to the land. In 1961 our basketball team began the first ever dynasty in the All-Native Tournament by any team, and Charlie was the man who provided us with rides to Prince Rupert, and as the President of the YPAA, he gave each player a daily allowance for our meals and for spending as we wished. I lived with Charlie and Kate, and saw how they ran their Pole Camps with stores selling things to their employees. They would travel to the Coast and made money fishing and mending nets. They had lands all around the Valley, off-reserve, and were probably the most wealthy family in Hazelton, including the white people in that comparison. One day after the war ended, when I would have been about 5 or 6 years of age, I was handed two pieces of paper; I looked at them but did not understand what I was supposed to notice until they said it was money returned to them from War Bonds they had purchased to support the war effort against Hitler, and then I noticed each piece had $5000.00 on it. Two of their sons fought in that war and I was born during their absence. I never forgot about that money and when I went out into the world I set my mind on learning what it took to make as much money as possible. By the time I was 24, in 1967, I owned a 1966 Pontiac GTO, and had a family, and by 1980 I had earned a million dollars, owned a hotel, and was poised to divert my attention to the land claim, when I was suddenly covertly attacked by white society, causing me to lose my family and my interest in making my success in a European way. I then decided I did not know enough about Religion and Politics so I began to study the Bible and returned to Hazelton, expecting to involve myself in what has since become the Office of Hereditary Chiefs. Instead I found myself under even greater attack by the white establishment, but now they were using my half-siblings, who had been placed in powerful positions designed to thwart anything I might attempt to do to restore our native culture and our institution of Potlatch. During this time I often became irate and fell into the traps of the white doctors and police, and was taken to Riverview and eventually sentenced to prisons. If it had not been for my deep roots in Kitanmaax and my feelings for the truth about the Totem Pole, along with the special personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ that He formed with me during this period, I could have become a high level criminal, dealing drugs and breaking other laws, and would certainly have been able to make lots of money. I did not follow that path but kept on believing the day would come when Heaven would show me just what it would take to turn the colonial storm back from us so we would emerge free, with our rightful land rights restored, and the Kitksan would make our mark on the Planet and we would Potlatch all the world’s people. This idea kept me sane while among the worst maniacs in Canada and the most dangerous criminals (I was also among some bad people while in the asylums and jails). I eventually learned how to cope with the heavy and unending adversity and not lose my temper easily and finally, over the last seven years in the Downtown Eastside of Vancouver’s mean streets, Heaven did open the secrets of the ages to me and I am now prepared to use and to teach those secrets, here in my home Village, on your behalf and on behalf of the world.

Much had changed in Kitanmaax after I left in 1962. Someone changed the spelling of Kitanmaax from how I saw it written and heard it said, and now they all say it with a soft ‘G’ in place of the glottal ‘K’ that is kissed in the back of the tongue and the roof of the mouth. This shift in pronunciation reveals more than just being easier for white people to say, but shows why Potlatch was outlawed in 1884, and why as kids the Indians had to go to residential school. Words are dangerous when they tell the truth, and early white people like Father Duncan at Metlakaatla, who learned Tsalmalkit, noticed that our language had ties to the oldest language in the world, the very Hebrew spoken by Jesus Christ; the Churches saw that the word you say as Tsimsian, is really based on Tsalm, which word is right there at the beginning of the Holy Bible at Genesis 1, verse 27, where Heaven says “man is made in the shadow of the image of Heaven.”

The Kitksan who came from Temlaham are one of the descendants of Adam, of Noah and of Abraham, the founder of the three world religions, Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The returning Christ was therefore, always foretold by the early Kitksan, to come from this Village. This is why you were coaxed into saying Gitxsan, and have forgotten the right way to say Kitksan; Kitksan is the same word, in your language, as Christian is in Greek! And the word Kits is the same word as Christ. This Kits sound is important to how we can recover our land titles today and move to the front of world affairs as the most powerful people in history. Kits does not just mean any people, but the chosen ones.

The fact is the stories you read about in the Bible, that are all carefully controlled by the Church, are the same stories told in the real Adaawk, which was outlawed by colonial governments. This is the evil that lies behind the whole genocide and the Residential School abuses. Those terrible things that were done to many of you, and worse things that are still being tried on me, are all part of a worse atrocity than any committed by Hitler, done in order to make us ashamed and weak. All of this was done in order to take our power and leave it in the hands of a few white families known to you. The plan almost worked too. In its final stages the white people only had to buy and pay a few of us, my relations, your relations, and they all fell into the trap of taking jobs that provide services on behalf of the government; some of us are now even being paid to be guardians of our own land, paid by Europeans, with colonial money, while nothing changes in the order of power. A few of you drive new cars while the majority are so bad off many want to die and some have by their own hands.

So if it is so bad, what hope do we have, against an armed colonial regime?

The second thing I will explain is that the biggest mistake of the Europeans and of their sophisticated culture, is disbelieving Jesus Christ, while pretending they believe in Him. To them religion is just another political tool, a device they use to claim superiority, while they march armies around the world, invading where they choose, and converting some natives to their belief in the use of fraud and deceit; your present Chief Councillor and many of your so-called hereditary chiefs are examples. The Mayor of Hazelton even said to me in 1985, “you don’t really believe that stuff do you Jamey” and this from the daughter of parents who to us were the most religious of all Hazelton families! Alice Maitland used her parent’s devotion as a tool to make people believe she is a good person. The present priest of the Anglican Church has even less belief in Jesus Christ and only holds that position to keep power over you. She prays, but not to Heaven

These are very harsh accusations that have to be made openly because the most important thing I have learned about life is that we cannot compromise with evil. Evil has to pretend to be good, but good does not have to accept any evil thing or idea or person. We must drive out the evil doers and restore the institution of Potlatch or we are all doomed. We are in the story of Jesus Christ and can no way abandon His teaching.

How then can we regain our power, you ask?

In 1977 Neil John Sterritt made a claim on behalf of some Kitksan and with government support, that claim went to the Supreme Court of Canada, where it became famous as Delgamuukw, Haaxw and other Hereditary Chiefs! The old saying ‘too many chiefs and no Indians’ was lived out here for over 30 years, and now you are being led by some of those so-called chiefs into a Treaty. I ask you to tell me ‘what a chief is?’ Does a trap line make a chief? Not by itself. A chief must Potlatch and I only saw a few real potlatches, where ownership of the whole country was claimed, not just a fishing hole and a creek or two. Those of you who went away to Residential school may believe you know what it means to be a chief, but where is the “beef”? where is the grease, the Zuk, the Hoox and where are the woollen blankets? Where is the wealth? Sure money is flashed at funeral Feasts, but it disappears back into the very pockets from which it came in the first place; these are not Potlatches where power over land and resources is placed out for individuals to invest in and own and operate.
The critical test of Potlatch is the celebration of the profits earned by efforts and then the bestowing of high esteem on those who made real wealth emerge upon the face of the Earth. You have to acknowledge Heaven in a Potlatch or it is nothing.

If things continue as they are in Kitanmaax, you will all become like the Nisga’a, the runaway Kitksan slaves who now have a permanent treaty dividing that valley up into an angry, hostile, and depressed place full of taxpayers to the government. Where did the chiefs of the Nass River go?

Speaking of Nisga’a, if you don’t get rid of the present Chief Councillor you will never stop fighting among yourselves and the government will swallow up this country and send it down the drain along with their middle class, in a final shift of power and wealth to the dominant minority, that will see a few rich in high penthouses and a starving middle class along with Indian peasants like in South America. Have no doubt, the white Euro still follow their plan just the way they started out on first contact and will not stop until we stop them.

And that brings this story back to Jesus Christ and to the Heavenly plan.

“In those days the times will become so terrible that if time were not cut short, all flesh would be wiped off from the face of the Earth, but for the sake of the elect and the chosen, the time is cut short!” Matthew 24.

The real question to be answered in this election of your chief, is what is Heaven’s plan? Who are the chosen and the elect? You know them already but have not understood the story of life.

There are three world tribes in the true story, the descendants of Noah’s three sons, and you first heard about them when the three wise men, or the Kgelat’l, visited the birth of Mary’s Son in Bethlehem. One Tribe is Black, another is White, and part of that tribe lives on the other side of Hagwilget Canyon, as the Dene, who are direct descendants of the same family as the Prince of Wales, come from Stonehenge by the Eastern Gate along with the Haida and the Kitksan, who are the third world Tribe, come from Eden by way of Jerusalem (Temlaham) and then Mongolia, where the same family conquered the throne of China. Tsalmoikit Haaxw, Wilpse Haaxw, the Patriarchy of that ancient house, is the direct descendant of Abraham, who is the father of the Great Nation foretold in Genesis.

I know the royal family of the Black People, and have more to say about that in the future. For now you need to know that the real inheritance of Haaxw is the reason the white people outlawed Potlatch, attacked Charlie Sterritt and drove Simon Gunanoot into hiding for thirteen years, and that is the whole point of why the governments are funding the GTO. Governments hold power as long as the people remain divided up into many little nations, each contending against the others. The Gitxsan Treaty Office is our divider!

Sometime before contact was made with the first Spanish ships in Vancouver harbour, a princess of Wilpse Haaxw from Kitanmaax married into the royal family of the Salish who then lived where downtown Vancouver has been built. Kitksan Adaawk and Ayoak culture was steadily expanding along the coast by marriages and other commercial trading alliances. The first man to meet the Spanish in the Gulf of Georgia, the Salish Sea, was given the monopoly on woollen blankets, and because he was part Kitksan, he became known as Kitsilano, from the terms Kits, and from Lano, which is Spanish for wool. The proof of this is found in two other terms: the rival of Kitsilano’s name is Capilano, which means “the true rightful woollen blanket owner,” which demonstrates that the North Shore Chief believed he had higher rights in Salish territory than the man with the Northern mother, and this is how those two names came into existence. It also explains why Kitsilano became less well known after the outlawing of Potlatch and imposition of the Indian Act; Haaxw’s house was weakened by being separated from the Northern Matriarchy line. When Vancouver wanted to use the Tscin Haaxw land at the end of the Burrard Street bridge, they loaded the family on a barge and dropped them off on the North Shore, in Capilano’s Village. A second fact about Kitsilano is the name of his Village, at False Creek and English Bay, where Tscin means House, or Wilpse, in Salish; thus, Tscin Haaxw, the name of the Village and Reserve where the Planetarium is situated, belongs to my father Charlie’s tribe, now headed by Shannon Wright. The most amazing thing about this is that Haaxw, meaning Suffer, is the name of Abraham, in Kitksan!! This is how Abraham’s Covenant with Heaven to own the whole world, is finally kept and completed. It means we the Kitksan, own the City of Downtown Vancouver, along with our Salish in-laws. We are the elect of the Great World Nation that will complete world history and save Planet Earth from total destruction.

But it means even more in light of what was dictated in the Supreme Court of Canada, in the Delgamuukw decision; it means we have a solid and practical claim of ownership of the whole Province of British Columbia, ready to be moved forward.

This is one of the reasons why I can competently claim the title of Kuldo Kitsilano, the Northern Kitsilano. I have further knowledge about this that is too lengthy to include here.

The foregoing explains why I now stand for office as your chief councillor, so I can implement these new facts and bring your full power to bear on our rights and claims. The office of Chief Councillor of the Village of Kitanmaax is the natural place to employ this power on behalf of all of us. And with my proven natural ability to organize the skills and talents of present staff, the way I captained the Spartans, and by getting everyone busy again, we will rise to the top of politics and employment in this province, not to mention in Canada, and around the world. This news is a global phenomenon that will now allow us to restore Potlatch to its correct place as a political power institution able to legislate.

What I Will do when I am elected as Chief Councillor

I am already busy bringing new industry to Kitanmaax. Following the plan I formulated during the struggle against my oppressors, who were my own family members, the Mayor of Hazelton, Iona Campagnolo and her federal and provincial governments, as well as the Mayors of Prince Rupert and Vancouver, and all of their Police forces, I will now bring all land in this Province under one Indian Band, the Kitsilano Indian Band, authorised by assemblies of Potlatches, and empowered by bringing all taxed lands under Indian Sovereignty, something the white and the Asian middle-classes will eagerly support because we can reduce their tax burden by as much as half; this is the first economic activity I will center here in Kitanmaax, and it will take advantage of the very negotiating skills and land use planning our people have developed while emerging from the dark ages of colonial oppression and abuse.

The municipality of the Village of Hazelton is redundant and will be absorbed into the Kitanmaax Indian Band, on a local level, and into the Kitsilano Indian Band on a Provincial and Federal as well as a global level. There will be no more need for a Mayor and the legitimate Chiefs will form a permanent Senate, while elected Chiefs will form an executive authority. The two together will provide a separation of the powers of Hereditary and propertied rights in the land.

Similar models will be applied all over the Province, with the model being taught from here, through the auspices of valid Potlatches.

I know all the details of how to implement this model without any need to go to the courts and their judges because the general public gains as much from the model as we do, and I know how to take the changes that are made in our relationships with the general public, directly to the Land Title Registrars who have all the power necessary to certifying the new land regime and its new classes of tenure. The process will eliminate the double systems of land holding under the Municipal and Indian Acts, and will convey ownership to Indians in priority over all other claims.

The second industry I plan to implement as your Chief Councillor is the manufacturing and marketing of ‘green’ energy products such as Solar panels, Wind turbines and Micro-Hydro systems, which will provide high skilled employment and involve Kitksan in world travel to sell these products. I am already engaged in contracts with manufacturers and am about to build a model home and plant and warehouse using the technology. I also have plans underway to harness a small creek on our reserve at Kisgegas, and to install an Ice Plant there which will provide ice for the annual harvests and for sale down the river to other fishers. I am a skilled producer of high quality salmon and will develop this market for our fish on a high level to the existing gourmet and developing Potlatch markets, which both demand the very best.

The present regime in your Band office has not paid attention to the market for salmon and let inferior producers lower the quality while trying to keep other rightful families out of Kisgegas canyon. I will deal with this directly. The arson and attempted murders, and the completed murder and other deaths at Kisgegas demonstrate what results from compromising with evil. A family from Bear Lake who acquired a trap line by purchase, not by inheritance, along with a Chief Councillor whose mother side is not from Kitanmaax, not to say more about her real father, together have run wild, burning buildings and bringing in strange rites and beliefs and trying to teach our youth strange ways and religions. They attempted to murder me because I challenged them on these matters. It is time the rightful families of Kisgegas, and of Kitanmaax, along with the legitimate Temlaham family, are protected from these gun slinging, house burning, interlopers, and I am prepared to lead the posse as your Chief Councillor.

To regain our ethics and our integrity and to protect our natural honour I will introduce a new education curriculum that will replace the colonial driven system that purports to teach while only screening out our people and promoting incompetents into power. The new school will teach the true story, Adaawk, and the right law by the Ayoak, allowing all individuals to find their own interest and craft or profession, without having to be passed or failed by aliens. This curriculum will begin the day I take office as your Chief Councillor and the knowledge and the new teaching methods will go on to become another product for export by our people to the rest of the waiting world.

The final ‘new’ industry is the original one given humankind by Heaven:

owning and replenishing the land!

Whites and others, but very, very, few Indians, make large incomes selling land and other properties to each other. The Real Estate business takes a huge percentage out of the economy every time anyone dies or decides to sell their home or other property. As true owners of these lands, we Kitksan are entitled to either veto sales or permit sales, according to principles that suit the ecology of the Planet and the economies of Indigenous families. As lawful owners no transfer of any land from anyone who doesn’t have and can never have the blessings of the true Hereditary owners can any longer be allowed to proceed.

For over 400 years in America, and nearly 200 years on the Skeena, lands have been stolen and then traded without any respect for us, so now all land must pass through our authority on the way to its next title holder, and we must retain a final option to take formal possession of any lot ourselves on behalf of the indigenous rights, because the land must remain under our control forevermore, if this Planet is to remain fit for human habitation.

These caveats must be registered in and imposed by all of the Land Registry offices, immediately upon my becoming your Chief and I will hold Potlatches to introduce to you, as active and empowered members of my Bands, the methods and the means on which these caveats and the principles are based.

How do you know I will keep the promises set out in this paper? The only guarantee I know that can ever be kept in the world is the promise of Jesus Christ made by Him in the Gospels to humankind; I rely on His promise and am completely certain we wont be let down for the following reason: that we live inside His story, our Adaawk is His Adaawk, and when we live in his story he lives in ours. The whole universe was created in order that His promise would be made and kept. We are not the first people to whom Heaven has come in this way, to take the Holy story another step, but we are the last to whom it will be given. If anyone doubts these words they will soon see that in this, I am right.

One final word on Kitksan culture is called for in closing this memorial. How old is Kitksan culture? Words tell the truth.

You all know about the Hal’thLayet and the Hal’thdowKit, the two spiritual opponents, the Shaman and the Witch Doctor, who are known to duel over the health and souls of individuals. We are all also familiar with the fact that Doctors and Nurses are involved with ‘health.’ But who but a true Kitksan knows that both Hal’thLayet and Hal’thdowKit, and the word ‘health,’ have the same root in the original language of the world, from the garden of Eden? Hal’th in Tsalmalkit means the same as health does in English, proving that the world story, which was divided at Temlaham/Jerusalem 2000 years ago at the birth of Christ and then His crucifixion and resurrection, that story travelled west in the three books, while making another Eastern journey in our oral Adaawk, reaching Kitanmaax and then beginning to spread along the Pacific coast until the Euro devils discovered these parallels and decided it was their duty to destroy the work of Heaven.

The final Kitksan word for this writing is also rooted in health and hal’th, and has been shouted by Hebrews from the time of King David, and by Christians from the time of the Lord Jesus Christ, and it is still shouted in chapels and churches around the world, and is about to be shouted again all over our Blue Heaven:

The word is Hal’thlelujah!

Thank you for reading this and I ask you to come out and vote to support this truth and to promote this plan by voting for me to be the next Chief Councillor of the Kitanmaax Indian Band.


Sunday, May 2, 2010

Cinquo de Mayo

Dear Jacob:

We met at your Copper Moon office on Kitanmaax*, when I was with Peter Jackson and you kindly printed a document for me. I need further printing of documents for my Tricorp application, and I would like to have your firm develop my website and provide other services. I am impressed with your work and portfolio. I copy the Tricorp email with the PDF files I hope you are able to copy for me and this weblog acquaints you with my story.

My business intentions after winning the election for Kitanmaax Chief Counsellor next month (I am already nominated)
are to:

1. restore the institution of Potlatch to full effective sovereignty, displacing the colonial regime and demoting the bureaucracy;


2. establish a 'green' energy products wholesale and retail sales shop and warehouse, with models displayed on my Mobile Office,
and on the residence and warehouse I am now arranging to construct on Kitanmaax*


3. Displace the colonial military system and philosophy of education with education based on Adaawk and Ayoak, which means true knowledge based on the true and eternal universal story; the truth is derived from the Egyptian discovery that Light consists of the boundary between Infinity and our time based experience of the language of numbers. This discovery proves that there are three Minds present simultaneously, our mind here on Earth, the infinite Mind we can denominate as the Void, which forms and informs the Earthly Mind, and the Heavenly Mind, which is formed by the cumulative minds of the departed. This model and system of educating people allows each soul to relate to the 'Holy' trinity of minds in their own personal terms, and to then determine their own relationships with others and with the minds of Heaven and of the Void. The effect of so being human, is to identify and to orient the phenomena of good and evil, and that allows each person to determine their own virtue, relative to the infinite quanta of both good and evil that exists within the Infinite Void, and relative to the perfected virtue of Christ in Heaven, and relative to the quantum of good and evil present on Planet Earth.


4. Disburse and distribute the land among the members of the Kitsilano Indian Band: the premise of this land disbursement is based on the fact that no ownership of land has ever been established by humans which allows all individuals to enjoy their natural rights in the Earth. Ownership of any land has to predicate ownership of land by Christ, or Kits, to employ the Khitan and Kitksan term, which terms have the same meaning and importance as do the terms Christ and Christian. The authority to disburse the land is derived from twin sources, from the Books, or the written Truth of the three Faiths, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, and from their Oral, indigenous twin, the Kitksan Tsalmalkit Adaawk and Ayoak, as per Delgamuukw and Haaxw*, et al versus HMTQueen in Canada and British Columbia.

and finally to

5. Share, and Sell Salmon and other foods harvested and preserved and distributed by the Kitsilano Indian Band*, on the principles of Potlatch.


*In Tsalmalkit Kitanmaax is properly pronounced and is better spelled, with the 'K" sound and letter, rather than the slurred 'G' sound and letter. There is a glottal kiss to the word which became devolved into the growling grrr of git, by returning residential school victims who could not and did not learn the right pronunciation or real meaning of the original words. It would be the same as if Ghristians said Grist. This fact implicates Duncan, who learned Tsalmalkit, and obviously discovered the connection of these words with the Bible, and the churches, which set in motion the attempted genocide of all Indians in order to avoid the true inheritance of the House of Haaxw, all in a deliberate plot to conceal the truth from the world, that the Kitksan, and Wilpse Haaxw in particular, are the living direct descendants of the first family of the Garden of Eden, and are the family in which the Lord Jesus Christ was born and is now reborn in us.

*The Kitsilano Indian Band is the creation of Heaven and Earth, in the promised response to the evil of the many nations concept being imposed by Euro in order to keep the world population divided and to destroy indigenous culture. There can only be one nation under Heaven and any more than that serves the evil elements of the Void. Potlatch was assaulted in order to destroy the unity of Kitksan, and of the true Christian story. All Euro people, and all Euro colonial agenda, serve the hidden dominant minority, and individuals who promote Euro culture are inherently evil, although ignorant of the fact. They follow the exact same lie as the one Hitler foisted upon the most advanced population on Earth, the German and other Deutsch (Dutch).

The Kitsilano Indian Band assumes to itself all that is virtuous and good in the world, and will never ever compromise with evil. This position and principled agenda recognizes that for evil to exist, its proponents must compromise with good, must pretend and purport to be good, and must indoctrinate individuals with the notions and beliefs now rampant on the Earth and taught in the propaganda at schools and Universities. The presence of Kits, or Christ, in the Kitsilano Indian Band is the first and the strongest barrier to evil, and the term provides the minds of all those who aspire to virtue, with the first plank in their foundational platform on which to assert, promote and recreate the goodness of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The KIB will function by recognizing and affirming, and initiating and adopting, any and all souls who conform and comply with the natural principles of Potlatch.

There are present at this time, two holders of the title Chief Kitsilano, one in the lineage of the Matriarchy, the other in the lineage of the Patriarchy, and while I am the present claimant in the patriarchy, by amnigwotque, the claimant in the Matriarchy is Frank Williams of Squamish, and he is not fully acquainted with Adaawk and Ayoak. I have made indirect contact with Mr. Williams.

*Haaxw, and Wilpse Haaxw, derive from Delgamuukw vs. R., while I am the only son of Haaxw (Charlie Sterritt (1885-1968) and the Alma of Isaiah 7.14, as of Matthew 1.23, who is Alma Jean Sterritt (1917-1967). I inherit the title of Kitsilano Kuldo (Northern Christ in Wool) by amnigwotque (fatherès right).

Frank Williams has his inheritance through the female line that owns Tscin Haaxw, which is the village upon which the City of Vancouver is built.

Haaxw as a title comes down from Abram, or Abraham, the father of the three religions, and means Suffer.

*Tsalm, or Tsalmsian, comes from Genesis 1.27, and correctly translates as the shadow of the image of Heaven.