Monday, March 1, 2010

How Evil becomes Good

Ms. Prosken:


This email makes final the impossibility of Chief Kitsilano and Chief Kitsilano Indian Band Members
of ever accepting you or any of those who fit the WASP, 'white-anglo-saxon-protestant' uniform, since
the inherent EVIL that is rampant in the World is the direct product of your cultural principles and the proclaimed
immorality of the European soul. Since my intelligence regards that which is normal to you as treasonous to my Title,
and since your actions are criminal to the Human Race, and since Good doesn't contend with evil except by our perfect virtue,
I here declaim the meeting I gave you and swear you to be in TRESPASS IN MY VILLAGE AND ON MY LANDS.

A trespasser becomes such upon notice from the owner of the invasion by the alien of private Property
owned and enjoyed under good Title and Deed.

Chief Kitsilano is the heir of the Crown and all the entitlements of the Kingdom of Heaven promised to Jesus Christ,
and Jesus Christ is the heir of TSCIN HAAXW, which is the Indian Village presently surveyed
and being used by KGELAT'Ls, descendants of the Three Wise Men, who descend from the
three Sons of Noah. Tscin Haaxw translates House of Suffering, and is the name of my Father's House,
both here at the Mouth of the Fraser, and on the 3 three Rivers of the Khitan. The place you know
as the DowntownEastside, is under the Curse, or Hal'thDowkit, until my Chieftainship and ownership of this land,
is fully recognized.

Ms. Brenda Prosken, and her fellow managers, must surrender to me or answer to my warrant for their arrest.

I am forced to this by choices made since I was 2 years old and a man returned to my home with the spirit of Hitler
upon his soul, the same as lies upon you. For 64 years Heaven tutored their SON in the constitution of goodness,
the perfect opposite of your EVIL, and now the light of my pure legal right has exposed you, and your fascist
assassin corps and cops, who are perplexed when they cannot simply pummel and break the Princeof Christ.

I will love you and will love your hatred, being fueled in my perfect goodness by the hatred the evil soul
must level toward me, for being good, and being good enough to displace the evil, as in this letter you
now read in panic, looking for the policeman's flag, the threat, the anger; none of that here Prosken;
this time the words come from the OWNER OF THIS LAND, at the victorious end of my campaign
to recover possession of my land and inheritance, which I told you about on the 26th of last month in the Mayor's Office. So I
love the thought of you in fear of arrest as a trespasser, who must decide to surrender, or resist
arrest by Jesus Christ, by Chief Kitsilano, you know the man who met you in the Mayor's office, who informed you that he owns the land under this city:
and whom is free and welcome to return there at any time for any reason or business.

I thank you too, for mitigating your punishments by proceeding as directly as you can to arranging
the meeting I am promised with Mayor and Council, as I now wish their surrender along with your's.

To Chief Kitsilano you are the human form of evil. I emphasize this feeling I have for the character
and the behaviour that murdered my Mother and my Father, and now refuses to surrender to my
Deed, the Holy Bible, and to my Hereditary Title, TsalmkgeKit Kitsilano,Wilpse/Tscin Haaxw:
Sal'thKitan Yal'thDene Hal'thHaida.

You evil people shared among yourselves a 2 week fetish of the true joy I will now shower upon
the whole world, without permitting any of your evil murdering cliques any part in or portion of
Potlatch. You say your managers have decided no wrong falls on your police; then it falls heavier on you, you fool.

I am Potlatch. The Planet is Potlatch. Life is Potlatch.
Potlatch is heaven.

You dwell in the evils sketched as Sodom & Gomorrah, and your fate is to starve in the vallies you made in your cities.

You will remember the choices and the words you spoke and made to your Saviour,
when you rushed off to celebrate your smallish fetishes of the Heaven, you will never enter.

Now all who support or advance the Church or any Religion, or whom use MY MONEY against me,
are criminals equivalent to the Nazi's of the War. The are invaders trespassing with the specific
purpose of deposing my inheritance to themselves, and keeping it by continuing the use of force
against free people.

Potlatch is specific; Chief Kitsilano and Jesus Christ are specific to Potlatch.

Potlatch invites, initiates and adopts, or refuses, based on conformity to the stories of Jesus Christ
and chief Kitsilano, being the rejoining of the Kgelatl, the 3 tribes under XZIXZIA. The Tribes are the Black
whose Imperial Matriarchy lives on Haida Gwaii as the Haida, or Black part of that People.

The Dene, whose Imperial Patriarchy is rooted in Stonehenge, usurped by French and Nordic violators
and now held by the German family. The Imperial Patriarchy recombined at Kitanmaax in me born to
the Alma who conceived all of this, and to the Son of the House that Suffered for all of this,
and was loaded by your City, on a barge towed to the North Shore, where my ancestor still
followed the breed and united the Suquamish and Musqueams around my residential land
winning them an award of millions of dollars. I Potlatch 10% at $9.2 Million.

My own Tribe, Khitan, Mongol, youngest among sons of Noah, and wildest in all emotions.
My gift of Heaven in the Blue Sky is Northern.

No true Son of My Blue Heaven sees evil but owns what it would try to own,
bringing the most evil portion to Potlatch, for purification.

Members of My Indian Band are obedient to my story.

My story is disobedient to evil.

Evil now possesses money and that allows the Good to use their power to convert evil souls to goodness.

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